When those around us simply don't understand

Well my guitar doesnā€™t need charging but the wireless transmitter/receiver units do!

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Thank you, Rogier, for not spoilong the fun yesterday already :grinning:

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Once Iā€™ve heard someone make a joke that Led Zeppelinā€™s music is so old that in those days electric guitars used to be powered by gasoline :expressionless:

It would do me good if I had to pedal a bike to power my guitar!

You could power it with your foot tapping :smiley:

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Too slowā€¦

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Something like that? :sweat_smile:

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Itā€™d be interesting to try one of those guitars, but personally I donā€™t think I would buy it. Its features may be fun to play with, but for how long? If it doesnā€™t sound good then whatā€™s the point of it all. And itā€™s not a good loking guitar (IMO), which is important for me. So for that price Iā€™d better buy some beautiful Taylor, PRS or Yamaha.

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Totally there with her!

One of my jam buddies has one on it sounds like crap. The reverb is very annoying and without any effects it sounds even worse.

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Well, Iā€™m not surprised.

Yes, I was thinking the same after having watched some videos on their website. They look like fun toys to try, but they do also look really gimmicky, somehow they seem to look and sound like cell phones turned into guitars or somethingā€¦

I would also try them but surely wouldnā€™t buy :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh, you are very thoughtful, Rogier :nose:. Thank you for that :blush: :joy: :joy: :joy:! I know, that technical approaches like that are not so far awayā€¦ For me, it was first just a joke (never dig too deep!) and second an allegory for a tiny lack of understanding of a ā€œguitarists worldā€ by family and friends, thereā€™s a little piece of tragedy in it :cry:. Isnā€™t it? I could open a seperate thread about that :joy:!

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:smile: :blush:

Stupid mind of mine often :roll_eyes:ā€¦but if and then and, these kinds of things come back to my face like a boomerang when I complain about them to Brain I fear (AND RIGHTLY so :joy:) (it doesnā€™t apply to this one because I was responding to a question :innocent:)

Very true Oooo so true ā€¦ and as far as Iā€™m concerned it is that almost no one understands how good something actually is when we play it ā€¦ the hours days weeks it has cost the dedication etc and then a sigh from them side if you ā€œruinā€ something ā€œeasyā€ like happy birthday with 2 wrong notes or a little bit of muffled musical notes :scream: :woozy_face:

I think there was something like thatā€¦in any case it has already been discussed a lotā€¦

Soā€¦suck it up boy !:thinking:, practice and be happy :smile:

:night_with_stars: :sunflower:

These ones also need to recharge the battery, but only if you want to use the wireless, or the special features:

My experience is, they (or should I better say ā€œallā€) donā€™t even ask about your musical ambitions at all. Whether what you play, or how practice goes, or if you progress, how much effort you have to put inā€¦Sometimes I get the impression, that the simple act of ā€œbearingā€ my ambitions should be enough :joy:. Ok, maybe a bit too negative, but right in principle :grin:. Funnily enough, those around me are interested in everything else about my person, but not in guitar playing. Friends couldnā€™t be less interested :laughing:. I ask myself, where all those campfires, with strumming guitarists should be? Ok, Iā€™m maybe too old nowā€¦ :rofl:. BUT:
Anyway, Iā€™m the happiest person, when Iā€™m closing the door to my music room :heart_eyes:!


Oooo I go fromā€¦hey yes :unamused:, to Ooo :thinking:, and then but luckily my wife does with some things :smiley: ā€¦ to laughing really hard again and and a cat that looks at me to see if everything is going well :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Short explanation ā€¦

only wifeā€¦

about 7 people come in and occasionally ask how things/the playing is going , but then I shouldnā€™t answer too elaborately/enthusiastically because then they will drift awayā€¦ :roll_eyes:

I got ya :sunglasses:

Yes, absolutely most people do that (that is nice ) BUT ā€¦ while this is my most important thing over the past 4 years (okay
maybe after being sick a lot less, much less ā€¦and oh yes, my girl :roll_eyes:ā€¦but still :smile:ā€¦) some say/ask if I get payed by Justin for making advertising/bringing in new students :roll_eyes:

Last summer this was THE question that kept me busy :joy:

:blush: :star_struck: at the end that is what count :grinning: :sunglasses:

Greetings ā€¦and o my time


:cry::disappointed_relieved: same here Andreaā€¦

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Well then maybe Iā€™m not alone in thisā€¦when a song is 120bpm I understand and tap 60 :joy::see_no_evil:

Oh Sylvia, we all here appreciate your videos and log entries very much! And Iā€™m sure the kids are so happy to have you around with your guitar or Uke, this audience is priceless :heart_eyes:. And imagine, you can open the door to music for them at very young ages and maybe plant the first little seed for a musical life :heart:!

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