Where to start after years?

So I’ve played guitar for most of my life. I started as a kid just piddling around with it and then later in college (2004-2008) i actually had classical guitar as my primary instrument in my music degree. After college though is where i lost it. I would pick the guitar ever several years or so and I’m just now picking up again and I’ve decided to really take it all in and get good. I’ve been playing on my Taylor now for about a year now but only getting to know the chords that i would play when i was leading worship for my church. I’ve just purchased a Les Paul and want to really get into jazz and the like kind of music.
Now for the issue i find myself. I know a good amount of chords but I’m missing a lot and don’t know where to put myself in these great lessons on this site. Where do i go? Should i just start at the beginning and just suck it up with the bore and go through every video or should i jump somewhere in the advanced beginner or further? Help me out yall please.


Heya ! Welcome to JG

Start at the start.

You’ll blast through all the beginners grades in no time, skip some stuff if you are all good on it.


Welcome Jeremy! I’m still in my beginning stages with guitar, but have been around here long enough to have seen this question before. The majority of responses you get will go likely something like this: Start at the beginning, and complete each lesson. You’ll cover many things you already know, AND will also pick up tidbits that will help polish basic skills. You’ll likely move quickly through the early lessons, but don’t rush - be sure to internalize the new information. And most importantly - learn songs along the way! I’ll now step aside for the more advanced folks to share their wisdom. :smiling_face:


Hi Jeremy, totally agree with everything @judi has written. A few years back I was in a similar situation - I had not played for years but wanted to go back into it. So I went straight back to justinGuitar and started at the beginning. Just like you I was sceptical initially but was surprised how much interesting stuff there is even in the beginner lessons. Not boring at all. And I wonder how much of all the additional information I would have picked up the first time round. I started skipping lessons in the later grades when Justin focuses on more specific topics and when I was not interested in refreshing them at that time - but keep coming back to the ones I skipped.


Welcome Jeremy

Great advice from Rob, Judi and Molly and exactly what I would have said if here earlier. You will naturally find your level when you come to lessons that are teaching you new skills and techniques. You can start building from there. so enjoy the ride and use the Community for advice, whenever you need it.


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awesome thank you all. ill be getting my new LP here this thursday and will be starting from the beginning. I did a lot of the beginning skippng a little here and there with my acoustic but i want to really get it with the electric so ill start then. Thanks again

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Jeremy, you have gotten a lot of good advice. I would add to reduce the boredom in the early grades look at song lessons on the website at each grade level. Justin adds a lot of more advanced strumming advice even on the grade 1 song lessons after teaching the easier version. I practiced classical guitar for a year many years ago, but that doesn’t give you any training in the important art of strumming. Have fun learning songs.

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