Whole of the Moon - first appempt at FMaj - New Guitar

I know I replied to this once before. I’ve come across an App song, CCR’s “Have you ever seen the rain” which has an Amin to F maj change with a fair tempo. I can manage the entire song with one exception, that chord change. Thanks for this. :ok_hand:

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It will come eventually Rachel. It really is a bugger to get right and it is especially disheartening when you think you’ve got it and then some grump comes along to tell you it’s not right :joy:. Sorry about that.

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Just came across this one now that it has been bumped :slightly_smiling_face:

Chords and timing are looking good Rachel. I’d echo what others have said about the F chord - try to get the barre down first. It actually looks like you’re putting it down slower than you could if you forced it. Mostly F will come in time with more use.

What I did want to suggest is to put some more dynamics into your strumming. With your chord changes and timing the way they are, you could do old faithful, more upstrums, and a bit of variation. I think that is within your ability. Once you do it, it will add a lot of interest to your playing.

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I am doing the barre slower and I need to find a specific video part today.
In this video Justin says start with your fingers lol, 2:20 info learn F Maj chord, oh well, :slight_smile:


Hi Rachel, another latecomer to the party here! That sounded good and clean to me in rhythm and chords / changes, well played, damn long song to maintain that consistency through!!

I won’t get involved in the F discussion, plenty gone through already! I’d echo comments about starting to mix up the strumming a little, you’re playing is definitely there. A further suggestion if you don’t mind, try also focussing on letting the chords ring a little longer before you make the changes, they are quite staccato sometimes and again it’d help with the flow along with some strumming pattern changes.

Bravo on it, plenty to smile about as always Rachel!

Lovely guitar btw!! :heartbeat: :guitar: :clap:

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Thank you mark, I know some are clipped, it’s always before the F lol, I wonder why that is.

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