Whole of the Moon - first appempt at FMaj - New Guitar

I definately notice my time away from the guitar, I can see it and hear the difference in my strumming (not so good a the moment). Still getting used to this guitar but I love it.

Should have put the Ipad on the mic stand to look up a bit more lol…

Dont watch all this, no need



Really good performance with consistent strumming in perfect time with the song and you continued well after the few mistakes maintaining really good rhythm. It looked like you were confident enough with the pattern that you could try some variations and / or additions to it. Well played.


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Rachel, I can only agree with what @beejay56 Brain has already said. Just one thing extra I’d like to add. When landing your F chord make sure that your index finger is landing first. It’s not easy, I know but try and practice that in your OMC.

Great job.

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Hi Rachel,
So often the F and good sounding that’s no longer a coincidence…you nailed that one down :partying_face: :sunglasses: :clap:

And I forgot how beautiful that guitar is… it burst out of my screen :sunglasses:



Rachel @Libitina
Good stuff and your a first song with the dreaded F chord, well done.

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Lol, just as I get it the other way. I thought I would do my fingers first as they were the more difficult. Oh well try try again.

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TY, yes it does a bit doest it.

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Hi Stefan,

Just a question from me so that I don’t teach it wrong to other people when they ask about it, is learning in grade 4 “the E shape bare chords Major” in the beginning where you hear to get the shape right and the index finger you put first down very slow and then the rest of the fingers are placed ,and once you get the hang of it, your fingers all land at the same time?

I have just been checking myself, but I find it very difficult to see what happens when I change quickly, but it seems to land at the same time.

But from that perspective of that video from Justin it would at least make sense for what you say that if you are beginning with this in the first month(?) then put you index finger first …

So now my question in short again :blush:
Shouldn’t it land at the same time or at least no visible difference for the normal viewer?


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Yes they should all land at the same time but in the early stages if you get the index finger down first that gives you a bass note down strum and by the time you come to the second down strum your fingers are in place. My theory anyway. :smiley:
Well done Rachel.


Hi Rachel, this was very consistent and in time, you are definitely ready to include some variations in your strumming. I love your new guitar, amazing burst. :heart_eyes:

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I usually do but the F is not that easy to do quick hence just the 2 strums. In time I will.

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Looks to me like your doing real well with your F chord to me Rachael.
Very good job.

Can’t hurt to have that ‘sweet’ guitar ya got to help ya out.
That guitar looks like it plays like butter. That’ll help ya play any chord better I’d guess.
What a gorgeous guitar.
I still just love that color.
I usually lean to vintage sunburst. But oh my. That color scheme is just too much!
Is is described as cherry burst? Whatever it is. It’s just plain stunning.
Not to mention it sounds great too. What ya playing it through? It sound is lovely to me for sure. Very good playing.
Thanks for sharing.

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Nice guitar!
You’re doing OK, considering that it’s a new guitar and it’s a chord you’ve found difficult that was pretty good. Don’t worry about the odd flub, you went straight through so it’s unimportant, practice will remove them!

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That is definately true and buttery is a perfect description of how easy fretting is on this guitar.!

Close, Dark Cherry Sunburst. :heart:

Nothing gear wise, I was on the Katana 50MkII ,lead channel with little gain half volume, some reverb and delay. So i guess mostly the guitar itself.

I don’t have any pedals


Hello Rogier,

Gordon beat me to it but yes, that is correct.

I used to land my other fingers first and then found out I shouldn’t be doing that. So I then had to re-train the old brain. You and Gordon are right, after a while the whole lot start to land at the same time.

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Well played Rachel. Lots of good things going on there. You looked relaxed, kept good time and your chord transitions looked pretty smooth. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Stefan,
I had not been here yet so missed Gordon reply, I was busy just processing the confusion with do-re-mi fa so la ti/te do etc :grin: … , so I am now reading you first, thank you for the confirmation :sweat_smile:, I was afraid that I had learned it incorrectly (with someone ) and others in the future, because I certainly don’t remember everything (certainly not theory) …

And Rachel, I want to say again to you that it is already great that you make the F chord sound good every time and over time the smooth fingering will really improve if you keep playing songs and not too often while building the thing in the garden hit your fingers with the hammer…

hammer the strings with your fingers and not hammer on your fingers :upside_down_face: the last is my “thing”



TY Rogier :slight_smile:


I will try not to do that. I’m pretty good with a hammer though lol. Nother story :shushing_face:


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Solid work, Rachel! And a real beaut of a guitar!

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Rachel, first, nice looking and sounding guitar. It’s a beaut!
Nice job on the song - F chord sounding good!

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