Wild Horses [OPEN G] by The Rolling Stones Lesson

Yes, I know. My suggestion was to learn a different version in standard tuning (by another teacher) if playing the barre is not a possibility.

But, I like your incremental approach as well.

Chord tones of G
GBD, 1st, 3rd and fifth tones of the G major scale.
Open tuning for G
Ya can see the three chord tones of G occur on the top 3 strings. So playing only the three top strings yields a G chord. Them are the three tones necessary to make a G chord. 1,3,5. A major chord is three tones.

So, you could play your C chord with only the top three strings of the open G chord at the 5th fret. At the fifth fret the top three strings would yield CEG. The 1st, 3rd and fifth of the C chord. That would likely be easiest.
You could also play the 4th, 3rd and 2nd string. This would yield GEC, and inversion chord of C which may or may not sound like you want, but it will be a C chord.

I’d work on that full barre imho. Your gonna need that full barre in many songs in the future. Barreing 3 strings is 3 strings short of the full barre which I think is a good way to start on your way to play your barre. Adding one string at a time till ya get the full barre.

Try putting your 2nd finger on top of your index finger barre. Ya can push down harder and make all strings ring out with the extra pressure you can exert from adding the 2nd finger on top of the index finger (barre finger). JG explains this in one of his lessons I’m pretty sure.

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I beleive Victoria is asking about the F9 barre chord which is a C shaped barre chord minus the A string. It’s played with the Barre.

Thanks to those who replied. I’ll use a simple version suggested here for practicing the song as a whole and then do separate practice to get the full 5 notes.