Wind of Change - The Scorpions - update July 2023 - post 57

Boy am I late to this party !!! I was convinced I was up to date with your Scorpion progress, how wrong. Loved it, can’t say much else or offer any advice bar keep doing what you are doing. I know its still work in progress by hey its already at a darned good level and I like your take on the original as a solo acoustic arrangement, really lovely to listen too. Next instalment I’ll set the alarm. :rofl:


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Thanks Toby! This is one I want to be able to arrange and play from start to finish only just for the sake not to dissapoint you all lovely people in the Community! I feel like technique gets harder to achieve, and like there are skills I’m just developing and they’re not automated enough yet… I’m now working on the Strumming Dynamics Course and I’m feeling little by little I’m achieving more control on the instrument and on myself as well. Thanks again for listening and such kind feedback, December is already full with learning plans…and Wind of Change is one of them!

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