Wind of Change - The Scorpions - update July 2023 - post 57

Hi Silvia, that sounds great. I love your of playing, so relaxed.

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@kamkor @Digger72 @TonyHS thank you all for taking the time to listen and comment, it’s much appreciated! :star_struck:

Thanks for pointing this out, I’m taking it as a reminder to find out where the root of the problem is, I don’t think it’s the nut as a luthier did a setup of the guitar already. It’s very useful feedback though, see what I can do about it :blush:

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I’m a bit late to the party Sylvia. There’s just so much on the site nowadays.
Wow. Your dreamer song is now a reality. That was beautifully and sensitively played. To have worked all that out by ear is quite amazing.
I’ve read through the previous posts by the others and will not repeat but simply echo thier comments.
Well done.
ps. Still no whistling?

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Thanks Gordon! I’m afraid I’m always late to parties :woman_shrugging: Nevermind…soon or late a word of support is always welcome and appreciated…now this makes me really want to keep working it as soon as I come back home from holidays!

No, sorry! :joy:

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What! No travel guitar. :joy:


That was lovely Silvia, fantastic fingerstyle and your playing was sweet. You had me singing along and really enjoying myself.

I’m with Gordon, it did just miss a little bit of whistling. :wink:

I hope you had a nice holiday.

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I’m so glad you enjoyed it Stefan :star_struck:

No way Sir :joy:

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Love good ole fingerpicking guitar! Very beautiful! Nice job!

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How long have you been learning the guitar? I recall watching this a couple months back and thinking to myself… This is the level I aspire to reach at minimum. Impressive that you’re transcribing this by ear too!

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Thanks for listening and commenting Byron! :blush:

Hello :wave:

I failed in my teens for lack of tuition and restarted in the first lockdown in 2020.

If you like the chord melodies, the sooner you start working out your own the better. Start with simple and short tunes, like Happy Birthday or Baba black sheep or Twinkle Twinkle, something that you have in your ears. Have fun, take it just like a little exercise :blush: Thanks for listening and commenting, I do appreciate it!

Who knows the name of my fave rocker
? :love_you_gesture::guitar:

I think this picture fits well in this thread :blush:


Ooo Silvia
Waaaay To easy for me :rofl: even before my first tea is finished :smile: (although I am much sharper in the morning than in the afternoon :smile:
I’ll give the others a change this Sunday morning
Have a nice day :sunglasses:

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I know it’s easy for you :grin:
Have a good day Rogier :wave::blush::love_you_gesture::guitar:

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Thanks for the tips and inspiration! Yes I’ve tried sparingly transcribing some basic tunes/songs but nothing complex and nowhere as pleasant sounding as this! I’m 7mths in and think I’m leaning towards developing as a bedroom sing and play-along type but do wonder if I can one day write/transcribe my own songs and create something as sweet sounding as this.

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7 months in! Just keep on going, follow Justin’s program to build solid fundamentals, one step at the time…I think transcribing is a key thing to keep on doing, I can’t transcribe guitar riffs and solos, but I’ve really improved to work out melodies by ear…when I think at that first Ear Training Lesson and Happy Birthday :see_no_evil: …I think it took me about a week to have it all down :see_no_evil:
Thank you for your kind words!!!

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That’s a beautiful performance Silvia :clap:t4::confetti_ball:

This song is an old favorite of mine and listening to you play it brought back a lot of happy memories :blush:

Thank you for sharing your journey with this song with all of us. It’s really inspiring for those of us newer to playing guitar to see how far you can come with practice, persistence and lots of smiles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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This has slipped past me completly.
And i am glad it did….
Wow that was cool to follow through from the first to the last take.
You had the bar raised high allready from the first…
(can not belive you figured out all this by ear!!??)
And what an amazing progress through out… it was truly beutiful. I am very very impressed with your picking/strumming skills, it sounds amazing Silvia. You can be very very proud about this performance! :raised_hands:t2:

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I’m just catching up on this too. I’ve been trying to find time to read through the thread and watch the videos properly, as this is a song I was learning recently too.

The difference is, I was learning the full band version where there’s two guitars so, in some ways, it’s a lot easier (although learning the solo killed my fingertips, and I still don’t have it down properly).

Your interpretation and performance on acoustic was excellent and very enjoyable.

The only advice I would give would be to practice it with a metronome occasionally.

You don’t want to do this all the time, and you certainly don’t want to be looking for a metronomic performance for this style of guitar, but I find practicing with a metronome helps me spot parts of the song I need to work on, as these are the parts I struggle to maintain tempo on.

The way I look at it is, if you are able to play the song all the way through with a metronome comfortably, then you can play it without and have the control to put in artistic variations in tempo (like Justin’s “falling leaf” lesson) where you want.



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@firasR @tRONd @Majik hello guys! I greatly appreciate you all took the time to listen and read about my Wind of Change project :star_struck::pray:

I’m very happy it did! I guess this is an old favourite of many!

Thanks for reminding me…the smiles Firas…that’s the magic ingredient, like a good sourdough starter in you bread dough! :blush:

A little by little some kind of magic started happening… you know “Everything is possible if you wish hard enough”…can’t remember who said that, some very successfull and eminent person…ah yes!..that was Peter Pan :joy::sweat_smile:

The metronome, @Majik that’s a very good idea, I agree with anything you wrote.

The solo :star_struck: isn’t it a super good one!? When I strum and sing the song the most fun part is attempting at singing the solo over the chords! I’ve been wondering how to reproduce it on the acoustic guitar, most of all I just need to reproduce the feeling of it more than the real thing, which would be impossible on a acoustic guitar…one idea would be to strum the chords up high in the neck or more simply some loud strumming
(with some appropriate Rhythm) on regular chords just to remind the listener “hey here’s when there’s that epic electric guitar solo in the original recording!”

I haven’t worked on this since September…now thanks to all your kind feedback my enthusiasm for it is starting renewing again!