WM's Long Way To The Top - Log

I know I’m late to this, but I’m going to start to record myself. I’ve avoided it due to how much time I think I’d spend on the post-production. Sure, it SHOULD just take a bit to do, but I tend to overdo it. I’m going to try and make it simple and lo-fi, so don’t expect much.

I peeked ahead to see what was in the rest of “Beginner” and I can say I’m a bit stunned. Maybe the last time I looked that far ahead it was when Justin had his old courses and it wasn’t this in-depth. Not that it wasn’t a great course, but this is PROFESSIONAL. Way beyond any other course that I’ve been a part of, and paid for. I know I have on my calendar to donate each month, and looking ahead just drives the point home how this is the right thing to do.


I’ve added “I’m a Believer” by The Monkees (Neil Diamond) to the list of songs that I’m going to start with the easy version and then complicate as I go forward.

I’m having to get used to going real slow and nailing things down before moving on. I just never understood how important that was, even though you hear it from qualified instructors. I’m still on the same module on Course 2, but I’ve taken a step back and gone back to my 5 songs and focused on them. They just aren’t as clean as I’d like, so I’m focusing on them. The good thing is that I can feel them getting cleaner and cleaner as time moves forward, so I feel like progress is being made. I’m not happy, but I’m satisfied if that makes sense.

I’m not doing all five songs right now, but WILL BE in just a few days. I’m adding them back in one at a time. The four I’m polishing right now are:

Hey Joe - Hendrix
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
Hereos - David Bowid, Bridge School version
I’m A Believer - The Monkees (Neil Diamond)

Of the songs I am polishing up, at least to my current abilities, “I’m A Believer” is the hardest for me. It’s harder than “Wish You Were Here” for me. It’s the fast pace of the song. I’m doing decent on it at 75%, and in another session or two, I’ll bump it up to 100%, and I’m sure there will be a fair amount of progress. When I first started out at 100%, I felt like I had just stuck my head out of a jet airplane window. Now that I’ve been at a manageable speed for a few days, I don’t have to think about the strum pattern, just what chord is coming up next, which is the next thing to eliminate.

I’ve added Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man” as my fifth song. I had a different fifth song, but I tossed it out because I just found myself not enjoying the process of learning and playing it. I’m looking at various sources and coming up with an appropriate version for where I am now, and like always, will add complexity to it as I get better.

It’s been a rough week for guitar; my father passed away after a long battle. I ran downstairs and did nothing more than play songs for 5 minutes when I could. During my time away from the guitar, I gave thought to my song list. Each song on my list should either be on there temporarily to teach or improve upon something or a technique or because I want to add it to my song list. Sometimes, I’ll learn a song that Justin has on the list to practice learning a song and then move on, but that goes back to the “improve upon something,” I think. With that in mind, I’m going to create a list called “Play Along” where I’ll play the video and play along with it, but I’m not going to worry about nailing it down to be able to play it on the porch at the beach. Some of the songs I will have on this list just don’t “Feel Right” for the porch, but I do like to play. Maybe in time, I’ll come across an arrangement that works for my ear, but to date, I have not found it.

Play Along List
I’m A Believer - The Monkees (Neil Diamond)
Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Set List - Can Currently Play A Version
Hey Joe - Hendrix
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
Hereos - David Bowid, Bridge School version
TBD #1
TBD #2

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My thoughts are with you, Michael.

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So sorry to hear about your father, Michael. Sending good thoughts.

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Thanks for the condolences; I appreciate it.

One of the songs I’m picking to play an easy version of and then add to as I learn techniques is Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Free Bird.” That’s right, I’m going there. I grew up in SE Kentucky (USA), and Skynyrd was a huge part of what I used to listen to. The song has become a cliche, but that hasn’t lessened my enjoyment of it. I have a strumming version of it ready to practice, and when I get to the bar chords, arpeggio, and other chord sections of Justin’s plan, then I’ll add those in. When we get to Fingerpicking I could even do that. In time, the song will get better and better, and one day, I’ll whip it out on the porch at the beach when my brother and I are playing, and we will have a great time.

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Play Along List
I’m A Believer - The Monkees (Neil Diamond)
Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Set List - Can Currently Play A Version
Hey Joe - Hendrix
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
Hereos - David Bowid, Bridge School version
TBD #1

Freebird - Lynyrd Skynyrd

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I’m at the end of Course 2, Module 9 now. I just watched the end-of-course practice and “when do you move on” video and have captured those items.

F Chord: Reasonable progress
The Fmaj7, Fmaj7/C, mini F chord played well and added to my chord book
C Major scale memorized, up and down
Do the pinky workout until the above is accomplished
Add a new song that uses the mini-F

I’m adding a country song to get my F chord involved.

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I am becoming a bit more confident in my strum patterns. The recommended strum pattern for a song didn’t “feel right” to me, so I spent some time fooling around with it and came up with a version that I’m satisfied with versus my current abilities. I’m sure the suggested strum pattern was a suggestion to get the person playing the song quickly, so there is that. Also, I’m playing against a live version of the song and not the studio version so that probably has a huge part in it.

David Bowie - Heroes (Live at the Bridge School)

Things are moving along ok. Not as fast as I want, but as fast as they should. “As fast as they should” keep the frustrations away. The dreaded FU chord is coming along, and to help it, I’ve begun to allow myself to form the E and Em chords the way I would if I were doing the FU chord. Instead of the first three fingers, I’m using the middle, ring, and pinky like you would in a barre chord. I’m hoping that by doing it I’ll get those three fingers used to the shapes even faster and the barre’s will come along quicker. If I can get to where my fingers use either set of fingers “depending” then it should help.

The Folk Sing/Play (I’d play) group I started going to has not worked out. They spend about 25% of their time talking politics. Both times I went, it was like that, so I will politely not sign up again.

I’ve graduated from Module 10! We had a ceremony where I walked across the room, got my certificate, and then posed for a selfie to capture the moment. Yay! You all are invited to the party in my music room!

Ok ok … I am moving on to Module 11.

Hi Michael, sorry about your dad. I lost mine just a few years ago. Good luck with working through grade 2. I am actually in Grade 3, but every other week I am reviewing a module in
Grade 2 to consolidate my learning. I’ll be reviewing Module 11 next week. Learning isn’t always a straight path upward.

Thanks @SteveL_G99.

Going back to review a module is a great idea! I think I will steal your idea and do the same. Maybe if I realize I am not picking that module back up I can camp on it a bit.

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