@MusopiaApps I am trying to use the app and was abruptly stopped at D chord. It said to strum individually while holding the frets. I did MANY times
I tried retuning 3 times. I tried repositioning my guitar. I tried sliding my fingers up and down the frets. I did every single thing I could and it won’t let me pass
In fact the only time it says I did it is when I’m literally crying in frustration.
Please help
Hi @lilliesandhoney , welcome to the forum! There are a couple of reasons why this problem can occur, and they are not necessarily related to your guitar. It can also be de app, the mic in your phone or tablet, and your phone itself. Not all phones are good at picking up the sound of your strings.
I used the app for some time. In my experience, where it really shines is the play along karaoke style song learning part. That’s really fun and helps you heaps. But for the actual lessons and technical exercises, I prefer using the website. It means you will have to use your own ears, but that’s a good thing. The website also contains a written version of the lessons which makes it easier to review some details when you’re not sure, it contains some more info, and it has a direct link to the dedicated topic on this forum, making it easy to find questions other students wrestled with, and the answers.
I would strongly recommend you to use the website alongside the app, the website for the lessons and the exercises on technique, the app for song practice.
Have fun!
Nice to meet you and I can only repeat what Els has said but you are in the right place to get help cheers Hec
Hi Lillian. @lilliesandhoney
I have an old iPad mini that I usually use for the app (running ios 15.8.3, the most recent that the old hardware can handle)
I’d posted earlier about the iPad have trouble detecting the low E string, and found that if I used my finger rather than a pick it was more likely to recognize the E string.
Suddenly it stopped recognizing any notes (I cannot remember if it was after an update or not)
My work around to the app not detecting notes
I downloaded the App onto my phone (which is newer than the iPad) and the phone app correctly identifies the tone.
My OTHER work around to the app not detecting notes
I’ve done those exercises so many times, that my ear tells me if I’ve got the correct fret/string/finger position. True, you don’t get the comforting little orange check mark next to the exercise, but the end result is the same.
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