Well, since everybody said, my Strat looks like Eric Clapton‘s, I figured this would be an obvious choice for a cover! Hope you like it and let me know what you think.
Hi Tosh, that was really good and funny you mentioned Clapton’s strat, which I am on a hunt to try out before I purchase anything new really well performed, well suited your voice and sounded really mellow. I think when you played lead your second bend was slightly flat, so I would work a bit more on that. Also would try to sustain some notes for a tad longer as well, to put some extra emotions in there
great job and good to see you once more after my ongoing absence
all the best
Nice one Tosh. Cool to have your lead touches popping in and out of the video.
Lovely song Tosh, Lovely.
Good stuff Tosh. New Strat sounding good. I agree with Adi about your bends. A thumb over the top D (D/F#) would help too.
Well done.
Nicely done Tosh, the lead line is really fun to play on this, I’ve never taken the time to mix it all together into one production.
Adi’s given you the advice on the lead line so I won’t offer anything beyond that. The rhythm playing was nice and calm, the strat sounds awesome
Sounding great - captures the laid back feel perfectly Tosh. Lovely singing and accompaniment.
If you’re interested in tips: Since some people have mentioned the lead fills, one other thing I’d say is to work on an up and down vibrato instead of side to side. Like Eric does here:
The up and down variant is easier to make a bit deeper and slower.
Nice played Tosh. Very smooth
Very nice, Tosh. You’ve received some good tips here.
@twister59 ‘s tip is a technique new to me. I might give it a try sometime.
Anyway, well done. Your guitar is awesome!
Well done, Tosh!
Very relaxed and laid back feel to it, some smooth rhythm playing and mellow voice go together nicely. The tone of the Strat sounded great as well.
Other good advice already given, so nothing to add, but: thanks for sharing!
Yeah, Tosh, Do your vibratos like Eric!
(Sorry Phil, just teasing )
Happy to see you putting some miles on the clock of your new ride my friend.
Split screen with lead? Movin’ on up?
Oh yeah, get yourself a set of black cans
Oh yeah, I’ll be sure to get right on that. If I could vibrato like Eric I wouldn’t be doing this damn day job! haha. jk
Hi Tosh,
Your new Strat is looking good and a good sounding foundation for laying down some great tracks. That said, I would probably go after some different tones on this one. On the cheap you could try Wave’s GTR3 to help shape some tones.
Your vox was pretty good as well and the whole package was a production done well.
Take good care and be well,
Sounding wonderful today, Tosh (sorry, a real dad joke that one). Really well played and sung. I liked the little solo’s you kept bobbing in with and the guitar is sounding real nice.
Such a wonderful song, lovely to hear your rendition, Tosh.
Nice, I like that song, for some reason now I’m wondering if Johnny Cash ever covered it
As mentioned upthread the D/F# is probably worth the extra effort to get the bass note movement G->F#->E, but it still sounds just fine the way you played it.
Hi all. I wanted to thank everyone for the supportive and helpful comments. A few thoughts and @'s below
@jkahn - yeah, I’ve been wanting to learn how to do that (the split screen thing) forever. Finally took the time to learn. It’s just iMOVIE on my phone but I figured out how to pull in two separate video clips. fun stuff.
@adi_mrok / @sairfingers : good call on the bends. One of those things I didn’t really recognize as a flat note as I was playing, but now totally do. Chalk it up to not much experience bending strings or playing lead. lol
@LBro : Now that you mention it, my guitar tone was just the dry tone coming straight into the focusrite solo. Your comment has inspired me to finally move on from Audacity to Reaper. It’s been downloaded for like 2 years, I just haven’t taken the time to learn how to use a proper DAW. There are a few basic effects already built it, and I also added the basic Amplitube guitar amp simulation as a plugin. I may check out your Wave’s GTR3 too. That will certainly help in future recordings. I never really knew how to play electric guitar and sing at the same time in a recording, so this was a bit of a test run for me.
Thanks to everyone else for commenting too. Such a great, supportive community we have here!
Hey Tosh,
Sounds great! Welcome to Reaper. I too sat on it for more than 2 years. It is so intimidating! Watch these videos in order of need to get up and running! I never knew, or there were no videos when I learned Reaper!
Reaper How To - Vids
I have a treat for you and others on Reaper. It is a free guitar sim. It can be found here:
Turkan Guitar Station
I hope you enjoy both and learns lots!
It took me a while to figure out but I did get the Turkan Guitar Station all added to my Reaper. Having fun with it. Thanks LB!
Sounded good Tosh! Nice playing and singing…