Wonderwall by Oasis Lesson

Haha! Well if they play in Stockholm and need to rest a couple of minutes, I’ll be there. :sunglasses:

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This “simple beginners song” has a strumming pattern that I find about as simple as juggling flaming chainsaw’s… Not sure I’ll ever be able to remember it, let along do it.

I had serious problems with this as well.
For me, the trick was to break it down into smaller pieces. Like only the first bar to start with, reading lound (like Down, Down, down-up-down etc.) while my hand moved and slowly strummed where I should. I counted it like eight notes (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +) and I did this really slow like 25-30 BPM for 3-5 minutes. Only the first bar.
And when i got the hang of it I moved to the next bar. Same procedure as the first bar. Ridiculously slow and reading out loud while my hand moved 3-5 minutes. Then I played something else and started over the next day.
I realised that keeping the frustration at a minimum (only a couple of minutes each practice session) is a big key for me when I learn. After a couple of days it just fell into place and I could connect the first and second bar, and later on slowly speed up the movement.

Give it time and don’t be so hard on yourself (for more than a couple of minutes every session) and you will beat this strumming monster in just a couple of days.



Funnily enough, I had a break from it for about 6 weeks and then went back to it and it just clicked!
I’ve not got it memorised so I have to see it and listen to it but then I’ve got it. Although I must say, the timing isn’t quite right so it does need a bit more practice…


It was a song that I started much too soon in my guitar playing journey and really got bogged down with it. It’s definitely harder than people give it credit for. All you can do is break down into chunks and gradually build it up. You need to be relaxed to be able to strum it at full speed.
One bonus thing is that Do you know what I Mean, also by Oasis uses the same chords as Wonderwall but is a little easier, so you’ll be able to learn that quickly if you can play Wonderwall