Year Zero

Hi all,

just recorded this cover of Year Zero, which is such a fun song to play. Had a bit of trouble getting those 16th notes up and running, but now I finally got to the point where I am confident enough to recoard and post it. Any feedback is much appreciated. Cheers!



Didn’t know this song before hearing you play it. You have a sort of controlled energy giving the performance real momentum. Your playing throughout was both precise and driven; it kept me listenong and watching; the guitar could perhaps be a little louder in the rhythm sections : the lead sections were excellent.



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Aaah… Ghost :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:
Sounded good in my ears and I agree that your guitar is maybe a bit too silent.

Otherwise I’m unfortunately lacking the knowledge to give you feedback on what you could do better. I do know however that there is a great guitar player in the community, who is also a fan of Ghost… Let’s see if I can tagg him here… @metramaks

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Sounds good, Nick, solid rhythm, great metal tone, fluid up and down the fretboard, and cool solo.

Keep rocking.

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Great cover, Nick! Very solid rhythm playing, good work on that 16th note chugging. That’s something I have to work on. So keep it!
The only thing I can point out is your lead part. Take some time to practice bending to hit the right pitches. Other than that it’s really good.

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I’m flattered, Nicole. :blush:
And thanks for tagging me, I haven’t listened to Ghost in a while and now I have to.

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Yeah, I was wondering if it was too low in the mix, now I have confirmation :smiley:
Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you!
I will definitely work on that solo a bit more, I tend to neglect that :sweat_smile:

Good 16th playing there.
Would just agree with various others that you could do with having the guitar higher in the mix.
Good job!

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That’s ok at the beginning, rhythm is far more important and you did a great job on it.

That’s a great job Nick! I’m not that familiar with the metal genre(s) but the more I hear it on here through videos like yours, the more I want to explore it.

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