You do something to me - Paul Weller cover

Hastily created first video featuring moi in person, before I go painting my house between the showers. The horror!

Apologies to Weller fans. I started making up lyrics somewhere in the middle which I do often. Generally people don’t know the difference. ,:grin: I last looked at this 14 years ago when I started following Justin and abandoned ship quickly afterwards. Nice to return again.

The original -


Hey Dom,
How nice to see a video from you :smiley:, it is my absolute preference over just audio because I have a radio for that :blush:…great song and fantastic sung :sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses:

Greetings Rogier


No apologies required for this Weller fan. One of my favourites and you nailed it, well done. :clap:

Great stuff as always Dom. Love all the emotion you put into that.
Good luck with the house painting. Worked as a painter in the 90s during college so I know how difficult it is to paint a house during the Irish summer.


Very good. The strumming is top notch and you sing well(er)!


This is great :exclamation: Keep on :exclamation: Thanks for sharing :exclamation: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Excellent rendition Dom. Your vocals are excellent and I really like the way you mixed a bit of picking with your strumming.

What a beautiful song! I did not know it, but I really like it and you played and sung it very well. I’m thinking I might have to try and learn it. And your singing is excellent!
There were a few places where the time flexed a little too much for my taste - when switching to and from the melody lines and through the off beat strumming stabs. Nail those, and you have a really wonderful version of a great song. Well done!

I did this live on the OpenMike just over a year ago. Presumably there’s a video of that show in the archive.

Super stuff Dom. Great song and a great version. Well played and you gave it a really dynamic vocal.
Well done.

Hi Dom,

I’m glad I finally saw you in a video to put a face with the name. You did amazing work on this song. I really enjoyed the groove. Take care my friend.


Completely agree about the timing Jacob. Glad you spotted that. Thanks for the feedback. Once you hear it, you can’t unheard it.

Thanks Jeff

Very nice - going with the flow - feeling it performance. Good job, Dom.

:+1: :sunglasses: :pray: (despite the timing issues, but guess the painting job thoughts sneaked in on those parts. :wink: )

Hi Dom,

nice to see you! :smiley: What I see reflects what I hear: Played and sung with a lot of feeling and emotion, what a great performance! :clap: I never heard the song before, but you made me like it instantly! Thanks for sharing this most enjoyable listen! :slight_smile:

Good luck with the painting job - this can be a true pain. :melting_face:

Nice stuff! Nice sounding voice! Good job! :slight_smile:

Big Weller fan here. No complaints from me. This was soulful and beautiful.

Super performance. Variation in the dynamics different class! And the vocal…
On my years on the forum I’m not sure I’ve seen anything else that I’ve enjoyed more.
Not sure how I missed it first time around but glad to have found it.

Dame Dom what a hell of a performance.