I’m sure Justin will agree with me on this one.
Eventually All Difficult Grades Become Easier
I’m sure Justin will agree with me on this one.
Eventually All Difficult Grades Become Easier
Here’s my go, read bottom to top.
Doesn’t make much sense, but the ‘echo’ reminds me there’s 2 E-strings and its odd to imagine an echoing guitar, which helps me remember
Hi Daniel,
Welcome here and I hope you have fun …here’s a bunch of flowers
for the most obscure Mnemonics as far as I’m concerned…and there’s even a Danish one here above
and I’m a (also)Dutchman
Greetings and don`t be a stranger
This was the one that stuck for me since I was a kid
Every Alien Dog Gets Big Ears
Welcome to the community, Brandon! Thanks for the mnemonic. That’s one I can remember!
From thick to thin, the one I’ve always used is Eat All Day, Get Big Easily.
Thick to think, german too
A beginner at guitar should be enthusiastic
Yes dear, they are.
The Grade 1 test link at the bottom of the page is broken
Hi Johan, @johanlinderoth
That link does indeed not work here either, but if you tap the bottom of all the lessons in the row module 1 lesson 9, which the last appears without video, that is the test (or am I mixing things up and isn’t the quiz the substitute for the test here? …anyway do it, succeed and you will be just as happy and good ) … good luck,
and welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun
Eating And Drinking Gives Brain Energy
Here’s mine: Even Absolute Dummies Get Better Eventually
Mine is from 6-1:
I love this one! My problem with mnemonics is, ironically, that I have difficulty remembering them.
Welcome to the community, @Ocden Ned.
I can remember this one, too, but mostly because my mind appends a parenthetic (NOT!) to the end. Welcome to the community, @Cyco81 Richard.
I can’t take the credit for making this one up but it’s the one I use:
Eddie Ate Dynamite, Goodbye Eddie.
By far the most useful mnemonic I have encountered is:
Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle.
Read left to right it follows the Circle of fifths.
Read it right to left and it follows the Circle of Fourths
Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father
The guitar is usually tuned in fourths, (apart from the B string which is a third apart). so this mnemonic also helps to quickly identify the notes on the fretboard.
How? Pick any note and simply follow the sequence.
Eg. A (And) at 5 fret 6th string, so D (Down) at 5th string, G (Goes) at 4th string, C (Charles) at the 3rd string, then F (Father) on the 2nd string, however going from string 3 to 2 we must move up one fret to compensate for the tuning 4th to 3rd).
The only other trap is the need to move up a fret after encountering the F (Father), regardless of the string.
E.g F (Father) fret 1 string 6, so B (Battle) will be on String 5 but fret 2.
Followed by E and A on strings 4 and 3. D on string 2 fret 3 followed by G on string 1.
Other than that, pick any note and follow the mnemonic to work out the note sequence.
I use it in German. Eine Alte Dame Geht Bananen Essen. And Backwards is Eine Banane Geht Die Alte Essen