Your roving blues reporters - reporting direct from the Tyneside Blues Festival

Well I am off to Tynside Blues Festival again today to meet up with another Blues Immersion 1 student Ryan, who I had never met until yesterday, the first day was brilliant and I bumped into Ian Patience who is a writer/publisher for Blues Matters magazine more on that later, Today I am going to try along with Ryan (who doesn’t know this yet unless he is reading it) to try and have a small interview with, Nick Scrase Guitar/vocalist with Terraplanes Blues Band. so we can post it to Blues Immersion 2 Students, none of the above mentioned have any idea we are going to try this so if it happens it happens Cheers HEC


Hec, I’m sure you’ll have had fun and am curious to hear about what happened!


Hi Dominique, and all, so yesterday was a brilliant day. I met up with Ryan at about 1ish tried to stay away from the bar and managed about three hours then gave in, however as I put Ryan wise to what we were about to try I started to regret and wondered if we were capable of pulling this off, I have never interviewed anybody in my life, and Ryan likewise being a cameraman, but we agreed and like I said I had already chosen the guitarist I wanted to interview so another beer for a bit dutch courage and of we went, turned around and bumped straight into him only to find that my poor interviewing skills and preparation had let me down, I was trying to talk to Eduardo Allen the band’s harmonica player, I say trying because I just fumbled about and the only thing I could come out with was is Nick nice? At once I just knew I had blown it. But nope to my surprise Eduardo put me at ease straight away great guy, and asked what do you need? Interview please with Nick, So off Ryan and I were ushered straight to the dressing room with the band ten minutes before they left for the stage, in fact, we followed them out. Phew job done. Interviews to follow cheers


If Richard is reading this I feel I should have posted this in the wider community or both because the following interviews are intended for all not just blues players I think that I have posted it wrong maybe and I do not know how to correct this. Do you have any advice, Richard?

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Thank you, Richard,

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Can’t see the interview-
Are you still in the bar? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Hi Brian ha ha yeah so I am not used to this stuff so the interviews? now there are two because I started to get beer confidence I need to put them on whatever, again I am new to all this but Ryan is involved now so hopefully we will get them edited and fit for viewing and maybe Brian? just maybe you could offer me a little help if I get stuck I am so new to YouTube cheers Hec

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and the bars open :+1: :beer:

Hehe, no worries, Hec
Uploading to YouTube is very simple (to explain and do). I’m sure a simple google search will provide the info straight away.
Editing video is a tad more complicated, as it requires some kind of software program/app, but I find is worth putting in the effort to learn the basics.
Give me a shout if you want to talk through any of the above. Message me and we can arrange a zoom call, as I’m a slow typer…
Sounds like you had a great time at the festival :smiley:

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Yes indeed Brian I met up with Ryan a guy I met in the community and the last blues course, we had a great time, and like I said I decided to give this interview thing a go and it worked, brilliant day Yesterday met a great guitarist Jed Thomas and his Band he is a must to check out, and we got a great interview, so we have a lot of valuable video’s and I don’t want to mess them up, so today I recover and then start and try sorting them out one by one. Ryan is younger than me and more into tech than I am so he is willing to help, and you just answered one of my questions about software app for editing , so yeah i will be shouting out to you cheers Brian

@brianlarsen Hi Brian would it be possible to ask for a bit help concerning what apps if that’s the right word? do I use with YT so I can edit, I really need to try and get into it instead of sitting here like a kid scared at school cheers Hec

Hey Hec, what system will you be using to edit the videos? A Windows computer? Your Apple tablet? Or an apple computer?
I did very few video edits until now, maybe just even one. I used VSDC (exists for Windows and also Apple tablets) which is free and has a lot of tutorials online and it was one of the easier to use programs I think.

Not knowing a lot, I’ll see if I can assist you at least in some way!
All the best, Dominique


Hi Dominique, I will be going to try and use iMovie on my Mac, Brian has answered me and we have had great chat on Zoom so I know have a lot more understanding about the system. I am busy this weekend but I will chat later cheers Hec


Ah, great! That’s nice of Brian! Wishing you good success in the editing!


Dominique I will be back in touch you and I can do so much cheers HEC

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