YouTube algorithm needs work

I use YouTube videos to play along with songs. The songs I play along to are classic rock, blues, some country, and a little bluegrass.

As most of you know, fairly recently they started putting ads before every video unless you pay for ad-free. So, given that they can clearly track what videos I use, youā€™d think theyā€™d customize the ads to me. But no, I keep getting ads for the latest albums by current pop stars; music Iā€™d never listen to. Some of the artists Iā€™ve never heard of, some I barely recognize. Like today one was for a new album by Doja Cat.

If theyā€™re going to force me to watch ads, at least make them for something I might be interested in.

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Ads on youtube? Iā€™d forgotten about those. You should get AdBlock or similar.

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At least you get music adds, I only get adds about car accessories (I couldnā€™t care less about the way my car looks) and programs to quit smoking (never smoked).

Off topic, that reminded me of a joke:

slightly rude joke

ā€œDo you smoke after making love?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know, I never lookedā€

Regarding YouTube, I would say that all of the ā€œtargettedā€ ads always suck, on just about every platform. For instance, I have often purchased stuff on Amazon, and then for weeks after had ā€œtargettedā€ ads for the thing I already bought popping up everywhere.

I think the only time theyā€™ve been effective is on Facebook when used for illegal political campaging (cough Cambridge Analytica).




Iā€™m actually happy about the fact that the ads I see arenā€™t directly related to my interests. This means that google doesnā€™t have a lot of information about my browsing habits. I prefer some privacy. Being provided with many ads in general is frustrating, yes, but Iā€™m not concerned about the fact that I see completely irrelevant ads. Not sure if that makes senseā€¦


I always thought this was funny, too.

If I just bought a water filter for my specific refrigerator (and Amazon has data that I always have bought that filter), why advertise another filter immediately, especially for ones that wont fit my fridge?

I also get a lot of adds to buy guitars and associated equipment. I wonder whyšŸ¤”?

What does worry me though, are the ones not linked to browsing. I was driving in the mountains with my phone on its magnetic dash mount (iPhone). On the way up, I drove past a Tesla Cybertruck. Later I was talking to some friends in the car as we went to the ski hill and was commenting on how ugly and imposing I thought the Cybertruck looked. Within seconds I got a text (!) advertising the Cybertruck and how awesome it was. Then for weeks kept getting cybertruck adds everywhere. Note, I did not search or physically enter anything about this into my phone.

Apparently they listen, but donā€™t actually hear what you are saying, because I was not saying good things about it.

Maybe it doesnā€™t need tuning at all, perhaps theyā€™re trying to drive you towards premium!

Personally I do pay for YouTube premium and have no issues about doing so. I watch plenty on it across multiple devices and donā€™t subscribe to other streaming platforms. It also includes music so I donā€™t need a separate subscription to Apple Music or Spotify


Same here, I watch by the hour, so worth it for me.

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I used to have an adblocker, but YT detected it and wouldnā€™t show videos if it was not switched off. What do you use? :thinking:

I use AdBlock. When youtube got upset about that, I disabled it and got uBlock, which worked. A few days after that I heard that AdBlock released a new version that youtube canā€™t block. In the end, I have both AdBlock and uBlock activated, Iā€™m not sure which one is actually blocking the ads, probably both.

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Ad blockers arenā€™t particularly common for large screen TVs either! Sure i can connect my laptop to my TV but thatā€™s just a faff I can do without. I watch more YouTube than anything else so Iā€™d rather just pay and have the best experience

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Cheers fot that :smiley:
Just checked and it seems to be working effectively again.
I was a bit disappointed that my ā€˜freeā€™ premium service was no longer available, but thought fair enough :rofl:
While Iā€™m getting free tech advice, any decent free adblockers for android phones out there? :rofl:

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Sure :smiley:
I use the ā€œNewPipeā€ app on my android phone, and installed it via the F-Droid store. No ads, no tracking, background playing, and other features. Google unfortunately announced that they might block this app in the future, but at the moment it still works perfectly for me.


If you donā€™t want to install yet an other app it is also possible to add the uBlock Origin extension to your mobile Firefox. Unlike Chrome on Android, Firefox supports extensions. I have not tested this solution though, but I donā€™t see why it shouldnā€™t work.

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Thanks for the heads-up. I had my AdBlock turned off, because as brianlarsen said, YouTube wouldnā€™t play unless I disabled it. Iā€™ll turn it back on and see if itā€™s workable now.

Woohoo! AdBlock Plus worked perfectly on YouTube for this afternoonā€™s guitar session. Thanks!


Any idea if there is an Adblock or an equivalent when watching YouTube on a SmartTV (mine happens to be an LG)?

Hey, who told a forum lady not so long ago that wanting everything for free and without advertisements is not the right way :face_with_raised_eyebrow:ā€¦ just pay that tenner (thatā€™s what YouTube music costs here) and all your irritations are over ā€¦

Now letā€™s find something for difficult Dutch people ey ā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Iā€™m afraid my memory cells are denying access to that particular comment (so a link would be helpful :pray:), but my general attitude is- I am happy to make use of ā€˜freeā€™ items in general, but find it weird when people complain about the quality/functionality of that ā€˜freeā€™ service. This happens eg with the Justinguitar website/forum, YouTube, social media platforms etcā€¦
I thought you were busy watching a stone that stopped rolling? :thinking:

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Ooo sorry noā€¦ 3/4 month ago and

In this context it looks a bit better and the other thing will certainly be said in that feel as wellā€¦so of the hook you areā€¦ :sweat_smile:

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Unfortunately it was a short conversation about the upcoming documentary and a total waste of my timeā€¦although I just kept chatting hereā€¦thatā€™s going to stop for a while because it almost gives me a rough voice :roll_eyes:ā€¦

See that you have posted another song, I will listen to it later this afternoon or tomorrow :sunglasses:


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Might have been about folk complaining they canā€™t use Don Henleyā€™s music for free anymore?

Gonna need Google Translate for that. Thisā€™ll be like a game of Chinese whispers :rofl:
Iā€™ll stop typing and start playing now :sunglasses: