Ziggys Learning Log

OK, so let’s see how this goes! The plan for this log is to reflect on what I’ve learned at the end of each week.

I’ll add stuff as it occurs to me or if questions/suggestions arise.

I’ve been getting back into playing over the last couple of months now that I’ve semi-retired and have a little more time and the frequent travel that came with my job is no longer an issue. I started playing when I was a kid, about 13 I suppose, and was in a couple of bands doing school discos, youth clubs and the like. I stopped in my late teens as education and work intervened, then along came family, and I never seemed to get back to it (despite a couple of abortive attempts over the years). I’m starting this Learning Log as a way to record my goals and progress - at least that’s the idea. They say making some sort of public commitment helps you to stick to your plan.

I’m currently in Grade 2 Module 10 of the beginner course (I went back and completed all previous modules too). I have recently subscribed to the Practical Music Theory course and am working through naming the notes etc. I’ve retained some knowledge from 40 years ago but it is frustrating sometimes knowing I could do stuff then that I can’t do now. Use it or lose it I guess.

I still have some of my old gear from way back in the early 80’s. 1981 Japanese Squire Strat, Boss OD-1 Overdrive, Ibanez SD9 Super Distortion. The old chorus pedal seems to be busted though.

I’ve also got a 40th anniversary Fender Strat that I bought in Kiev, Ukraine in 1995. And an American Pro Telecaster that I got in Sydney in 2019. These are played through a 50W Boss Katana and Ditto Looper. I also have a Keeley D&M Drive, Keeley Caverns delay/reverb, and MXR Phase 90 to go in front of the looper. Having the effects in the amp doesn’t help when looping!

My Goals
Short Term Goals (Monthly Targets)

  • Practice on average for 7 hours/week
  • Complete at least 1 Grade 2 module per month

Medium Term Goals (by Dec-24)

  • Play through a set of 10 Campfire songs
  • Complete all Grade 2 modules and complete Grade 2 Consolidation
  • Be able to name the notes on the neck without hesitation
  • Complete the Griff Hamlin Beginning Blues Guitar course
  • Recorded the Campfire set songs in Garageband
  • Improve singing ability

Long Term Goals (2025)

  • Focus towards playing blues guitar
  • Learn blues licks and be able to play solos
  • Learn the Griff Hamlin Acoustic Blues songs

The aim is to have 10 songs that I can play through as a set by Christmas 2024. These will be the “Campfire” set. I have also identified 10 “Developer” songs that I will work on as a second set for Grade 2 consolidation. The songs are

“Easy” Campfire 10 (Mostly Grade 1 songs)

  1. Lay Down Sally - Eric Clapton
  2. Hey Joe - Jimi Dendrix
  3. Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
  4. You Never Can Tell - Chuck Berry
  5. Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffet
  6. Take Me Home Country Roads - John Denver
  7. Working Class Hero - John Lennon
  8. The First Cut Is The Deepest - Cat Stevens / Sheryl Crow
  9. This Year’s Love - David Gray
  10. Chocolate Jesus - Tom Waits

Developer 10 (Grade 2 level)

  1. If It Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crow
  2. (Sittin’ On) The Dock of The Bay - Otis Redding
  3. I’m A Believer - The Monkees
  4. Dakota - Stereophonics
  5. No Woman No Cry - Bob Marley
  6. House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
  7. Closing Time - Semisonic
  8. New Shoes - Paolo Nuttini
  9. Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash
  10. Free Fallin’ - Tom Petty

For each day work on only 1 song from Campfire plus 1 from Developer lists. Get these down so that I can play through in time with chord changes and strumming before moving on (vocals may take more time!). I also intend to record my versions, as practice for recording technique as much as anything else. Whether I post here is yet to be decided.

At the point of writing this (early June 2024) I have about 25 weeks to go before Christmas, which means I have a little over 2 weeks per song to at least get to some sort of playthrough ability, and be able to remember the song!


Welcome to the community Stuart,
You’ve landed in the best place to succeed in your guitar journey :+1:

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Welcome to the forum Stuart

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Welcome Stuart!

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:wave: :smile:


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Hi Stuart,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
In any case, your guitar gear won’t stop you from having fun ,nice stuff :sunglasses:


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WEEK 1 - Week Ending Friday 31 May 2024

Target Hours of Practice: 7 hours (1 hour per day average)
Actual Hours of Practice: 6 hours 43 minutes
Played at least 20 minutes every day.

Grade 2 - Mod 10 Routine - Technique - 20 mins
5 mins - Repertoire Revision
2 mins - F and Changes
2 mins - New Chord G and A
1 mins - PFC Weak G to C
2 mins - C Major Scale Alt Pick
2 mins - C Major Improv
1 mins - Push Strumming
1 mins - Hammer Ons
4 mins - La Bamba Riff

Grade 2 Mod 10 - Songs
10 mins - Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

Practical Music Theory - 25 mins
Grade 2: Completed and passed the module test.

Grade 3:
10 mins - Major scale theory, filling out the scale note sheets, from memory
5 mins - 1-string major scale, various root notes on low E and A strings
5 mins - Pattern 1 of both G and C major scales

5 mins - working out the notes on the neck.

Other - 30 mins
Blues guitar licks and exercises (from Beginning Blues Guitar)

Thoughts and Reflection
It seems to be better for me to do the theory/academic stuff in the morning session and the practical/playing stuff later in the day. Just seem to be able to focus better in the morning! I had already started Module 10 prior to this week and will look to modify the practice routine for “technique” next week.

The C Major scale improv is getting a bit “samey” so I’ll use this time elsewhere. Likewise the New Chord G and A as I’ve used these grips before so just needed a bit of a refresher. Add this 4 minutes to the song practice and perhaps reduce the La Bamba riff to 3 minutes to make 15 minutes total on song practice.

I don’t do everything, every day. The total time scheduled is 85 minutes and I try to do an hours worth of practice by picking things off the list depending on how I feel that day. I have hit most things at least 4 days in the week. I will need to monitor this to make sure I do cover everything and not just the things I like. Remember to review the details in the Dashboard and schedule more time for the following week if I’ve under done something.

F chord is coming along quite nicely and I’m mostly getting it to ring out, probably 75% of the time during the Dreams song practice.

Song (Dreams) is nowhere near being able to play through without playing along with a recording though. Need to make a lyric/chord sheet next week for it. Much more work is needed on songs in general. I have the App but I’m probably getting too reliant on it and not committing songs to memory. Need to review this next week and change how I practice songs going forward. Maybe it’s just more time needed? In future may only use the app to get going on a song to get time feel down, then move to playing from memory and with the record for fun.

The music theory is going well and I can do the note circle from memory and use it to fill out the scale note sheets, mostly first time. Just started Pattern 1 of the major scale.

I’m doing some work on note naming on the neck trying to get to all of the Cs and Gs on all strings up to the 12th fret (an exercise I got from Justin’s previous theory course that I had as part of a bundle I bought ages ago but never got around to doing seriously). I’m hoping that doing a variety of note naming exercises it will stick better!

I’m also working through some beginner blues guitar from another teacher but am using the Dashboard to incorporate it into my practice routine. It’s just basic licks, pentatonic stuff, and some small 12-bar pieces. Interesting to note that the methods from both teachers compliment each other quite well and the other teacher’s course is also structured well. Maybe in a year or two I’ll be at a stage where I can do the Blues Immersion - something to aim for.

Looking forward to next weeks practice. Probably need a couple more weeks in Module 10 before moving to the next module, just to get everything down.

Module 10 Passing Grade

  1. Memorised weak finger G - DONE
  2. Memorised mini-barre A - DONE
  3. C major scale alt pick at 80 bpm - In Progress
  4. Song Play Through from Memory - Dreams - In Progress
  5. Fun with La Bamba riff - DONE
  6. Push Strumming in a song - with Dreams - In Progress

Actions for Next week

  • Amend practice routine
  • Lyric/Chord sheet for Dreams
  • Cs and Gs on the neck at 80 bpm
  • Consolidate Pattern 1 for the major scale

Have a great week everyone :grinning:

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My American Pro Telecaster

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WEEK 2 - Week Ending Friday 7 June 2024
Target: 7 hours of practice. Actual: 6 hours 55 minutes
Played at least 10 minutes every day, maximum daily was 90 minutes. Most days were at least 1 hour.

Current Practice Routine (90 Minutes)
20 mins - Grade 2 Mod 10 Technique (incl 5 mins repertoire revision)
10 mins - Songs (from Campfire list)
10 mins - Songs (from Developer list)
20 mins - Practical Music Theory
30 mins - Beginner Blues Guitar (Optional)

Songs Practised This Week
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffet
No Woman No Cry - Bob Marley

Practical Music Theory
Big Six essential notes - can name them - DONE
One String Major Scales at 100 BPM - now at 80 bpm error free
Major Scale Pattern 1 at 100 BPM - now at 70 bpm error free
Key Signatures Recognition (Mr Cato) - in progress
Major Scales Recognition - can fill the sheet in from memory - DONE

Thoughts and Reflection
I have amended my practice routine and replaced some of the items from Module 10 that I am now comfortable with. This frees up the time to use on items where more practice is needed. The F chord is progressing well, using the song Dreams by Fleetwood Mac has really given this a workout this week. Still get the occasional buzz or dud note but changing to/from ‘F’ at tempo is fairly solid most of the time now. Another week should see this done I think.

With the progress on ‘F’ chord I can play Dreams along with the original recording more or less in time with the chords ringing out most of the time and without stopping when I get a duff chord. I have the push strumming pattern down and have been using it for Dreams.

I got some great feedback from the community this week (thanks @MacOneill and @math07) about how to better practice songs as I was having trouble memorising them and felt I was too reliant on the app. I’ve restructured the song sections of my practice routine to incorporate their ideas - we’ll see how it goes in the coming weeks. Will continue with ‘Dreams’ as an extra song for F chord practice.

Music theory continues to progress. I passed the test for Grade 3 but am still working on consolidating this knowledge so won’t move on to Grade 4 for a while yet. I have the fingering down for Pattern 1 of the major scale and can play it with multiple roots. Just working on getting it up to speed, am at about 70 bpm without error right now. I’d like to be able to do it at 100 bpm all down picks. I may then try alternate picking the scale once I can do it at 100 bpm. I’ve started to work through the key signatures exercises and will look at power chords next week, particularly using them to learn the root notes on the 6th and 5th strings. I can do the scale on 1 string starting anywhere in the first 5 frets. Thinking about using this as another exercise to learn notes on the neck.

I can do all the Cs and Gs up to the 12th fret at 80 bpm. I will probably stop this as it seems it might overlap the theory course, so I’ll focus on that. I may bring it back later, we’ll see how things go.

I’ve continued to work though the Beginner Blues Guitar course. It’s helping with counting, 7 chords, and strumming, so will continue with this.

Restructured my "introductory’ post at the start of this Learning Log and to address detail for goals and song lists.

I may be ready to move on to Module 11 by the end of next week. We’ll see.

Module 10 Passing Grade

  1. Memorised weak finger G - DONE
  2. Memorised mini-barre A - DONE
  3. C major scale alt pick at 100 bpm - In Progress
  4. Song Play Through from Memory - Dreams - In Progress
  5. Fun with La Bamba riff - DONE
  6. Push Strumming in a song - with Dreams - DONE

Actions for Next Week

  • Get pattern 1 of the major scale up to 100 bpm with down picks
  • Start song practice with changes to routine included

Hello Ziggy and a belated welcome to our wonderful Community :blush:
Reading through your Log I can see you’re very structured and organised and…I am as well :grin: Anything just works better this way! And a Thoughts and Reflection section, as you call it, is a must for me to keep on going and achieve my goals. Among the things you wrote…

Do move on practicing differently! The App is wonderful at the beginning but then you need to develop different skills the App can’t help you with. I hope the passage to memorise songs will be easier for you than it has been for me…some strategy of your own might be needed :wink:

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WEEK 3 - Week Ending Friday 14 June 2024
Target: 7 hours of practice. Actual: 3 hours 26 minutes
Was sick for 3 days at the start of the week so missed out on practice time. Played every day from Monday, maximum daily was 65 minutes. Taking about 1 hour a week to write this log and think about what I’ve done in the week.

Daily Practice Routine Structure (60+30 Minutes)
20 mins - Grade 2 Mod 10 Technique (incl 5 mins repertoire revision)
10 mins - Songs (from Campfire list)
10 mins - Songs (from Developer list)
20 mins - Practical Music Theory
30 mins - Griff Hamlin’s Beginning Blues Guitar (Optional)

Songs Practised This Week
Lay Down Sally - Eric Clapton
Hey Joe - Jimi Hendrix

Practical Music Theory
Big Six essential notes - can name them - DONE
One String Major Scales at 100 BPM - at 100 bpm - DONE
Major Scale Pattern 1 at 100 BPM - at 100 bpm, alt picked - DONE
Key Signatures Recognition (Mr Cato) - in progress
Major Scales Recognition - can fill the sheet in from memory - DONE

Thoughts and Reflection
Based on feedback from the forums I changed my routine for song practice this week. I’ve selected a list of ten “Campfire” songs plus a list of ten “Developer” songs that I will focus on for practice going forward (see introductory post). Most of the songs chosen are in both the app and the two beginner songbooks. The recommendation from the forum is to use both the app and the songbook. Each song is scheduled for 10 minutes, a 5 minute session with the book, followed by a play-through with the app. It’s early days but I have seen an improvement in getting the song memorised over what I was doing previously.

As I cover each new module I will add a third song from the selection suggested by Justin to practice the techniques for that module. So that will be a total of 3 songs per module practiced (approx 10 mins each song, but I may not do all 3 songs in each session, depending on time). The song lists are independent from each module so I can continue working on them until I either master them or get bored! I need to keep track of how much improvement I make with songs to avoid sticking with the same song for too long and not effectively using the time. Target is to spend 2-3 weeks on each song if I’m to have a set of 10 by Christmas. If I’m struggling to improve it might be best to do a different song for a while then revisit the ‘problem child’ later after I’ve had a break.

Lay Down Sally (Week 1) - struggled a bit getting clean chord changes with the strumming pattern at the tempo of the song so have slowed things down and this seems to have worked. I am getting cleaner changes, though not perfect, so will look to increase tempo next week.

Hey Joe (Week 1) - tempo is slow enough I can pretty much get all clean changes with this one. Just a case of putting the time in to memorise it, chord progression is the same throughout.

Practical Music Theory - I have the major scale pattern 1 down at 100 bpm with alternate picking. I’ll keep this in my routine for now but will cut the time down to maybe 3 minutes just to lock it in (might see if I can push it up to 120 bpm). I find that if I push the bpm to where it’s uncomfortable to keep up, it helps when playing at lower bpm as it seems easier at the slower tempo once you’ve been stretched! Will start to focus a bit more on the key signatures section of the module now. I can do the scale on 1 string (at 100 bpm) so will remove this from the routine next week.

Module 10 - I can play the various techniques but I think I want at least another week on the songs and F chord changes but will remove the ‘push strumming’ and ‘hammer on’ exercises as I have these down. I might watch the Module 11 videos next week in preparation for moving to Module 11 the following week.

Beginning Blues Guitar (Griff Hamlin Course) - continued practicing the “Full On Blues” 12-bar piece and strumming patterns 14 and 15 with E7, A7 and B7 chords.

Module 10 Passing Grade

  1. Memorised weak finger G - DONE
  2. Memorised mini-barre A - DONE
  3. C major scale alt pick at 100 bpm - DONE
  4. Song Play Through from Memory - Dreams - DONE
  5. Fun with La Bamba riff - DONE
  6. Push Strumming in a song - with Dreams - DONE

Goals for Next Week

  • Continue Music Theory key signatures recognition
  • Major scale pattern 1 alternate picked at 120 bpm
  • Continue song practice on Lay Down Sally and Hey Joe
  • Review performance quality of songs. Do I need to switch out?
  • Finish Module 10 / Review Module 11 videos

New Seymour Duncan Classic Stack pickups arrived today to replace the dodgy Fender standards in my 40th Anniversary Strat.


HI Stuart, welcome to the community. You certainly are organized in your learning log and doing a good job of recording your progress. Looks like you are making great progress.

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Hi @SteveL_G99, yes it’s been drilled into me over many years at work!! My hope is that, if I keep notes on the same categories each week, then I might be able to spot trends or common issues after a few weeks. Might help me focus on things to work on as I move through the rest of the modules.

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WEEK 4 - Week Ending Friday 21 June 2024
Target: 7 hours of practice. Actual: 6 hours 5 minutes
Played every day from Monday, maximum daily was 100 minutes.

This Weeks Practice Routine (Target at least 60 minutes/day)
05 mins - Repertoire Revision

Technique & Theory
03 mins - F chord and changes
03 mins - Major Scale Pattern 1 (Alternate Picking)
05 mins - Key Signature Recognition - Mr Cato’s Method
03 mins - JG Note Trainer - Name The Note
03 mins - JG Note Trainer - Find The Note

10 mins - Lay Down Sally
10 mins - Hey Joe
10 mins - Brown Eyed Girl
10 mins - No Woman No Cry

Griff Hamlin’s Beginning Blues Guitar
05 mins - Strumming, straight, 12-bar in E
05 mins - Strumming, shuffle, 12-bar in E
06 mins - PFCs: E7 to A7, A7 to B7, and E7 to B7

Practical Music Theory Module 3
Big Six essential notes - can name them - DONE
One String Major Scales at 100 BPM - at 100 bpm - DONE
Major Scale Pattern 1 at 100 BPM - at 100 bpm, alt picked - DONE
Key Signatures Recognition (Mr Cato) - DONE
Major Scales Recognition - can fill the sheet in from memory - DONE
Recalling Major Scale Notes (+ note names out loud) - In Progress
Power Chords Notes in the Chords - Not Started

Thoughts and Reflection
Spent some time this week writing out song sheets for the Campfire set and getting my own songbook together. This proved to be somewhat of a distraction as I ended up playing the songs I’d written out rather than focusing on the ones identified in the routine! Played through to Justins videos and along with the songs, so hopefully not wasted time. Need to get back to focus on actually learning the songs and memorising them from next week.

I bought the JG Note Trainer app as an aid to learning the notes on the neck and have added time to the practice routine to at least get a minimum level of engagement each day. I’m using the stats in my dashboard to keep track of the scores I achieve so hopefully see some improvements.

Module 10 Technique - Still finding it hard to make F chord changes cleanly at a reasonable tempo. More work required on F-C and F-G. Changes F-A and F-D are generally OK though. Started working through the Module 11 videos but will have 1 more week on the Module 10 stuff before moving on.

Practical Music Theory - I have the Major Scale Pattern 1 at 120 bpm with alternate picking and have reduced the time to 3 minutes. Will keep in the routine for now. Completed the Mr Cato lesson and moved on to the recalling the notes lesson. This is likely to take some time so I bought the Note Trainer app to help. I’ve allocated 3 minutes each to the “Name the Note” and the “Find the Note” exercises but will do them outside the formal practice routine where I have time in the day. Added to practice routine so I can keep track of scores in the dashboard. I’ll be starting the Power Chord material next week, alongside the note naming.

Summary Song Progress (yellow - included in current routine)

Lay Down Sally - still struggling with getting clean chord changes at tempo, although I am getting closer. Song is about 175 bpm and I’m currently around 140 bpm tops.

Hey Joe - just a case of repetitions now. I can play the chord changes in time with the recording. Tried singing and playing but keep losing my place in the song. Strumming and sequence not “automated” yet, so clearly some work still to do here.

Brown Eyed Girl - added this week to provide variety. Simple chord sequence and am mainly working on clean changes at tempo, and memorisation.

No Woman No Cry - kept this in the routine for F chord practice, though I do like the song and want it in my repertoire - it’s nowhere near yet!

Beginning Blues Guitar - continued working on the “Full Out Blues” piece, getting clean changes and up to tempo. This is mainly revision now. Working on 12-bar strumming patterns with a straight and shuffle feel. Added some PFCs for the 7 chords as I was having trouble getting clean changes. Noticeable improvement, though still some way to go when playing along at tempo. Adjusted the timings in the routine and reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes, mainly by reducing the strumming sessions from 10 mins to 5 mins each and have added time for the PFCs.

Module 10 Passing Grade - I have met the basic requirements but will have 1 more week for consolidation before moving to Module 11 in July.

Goals for Next Week - consolidation. Same practice routine as this week. Finish the preview of the Module 11 videos. Need to swap in the new pickups for the Strat as I didn’t get a chance this week.

Started writing up my songbook

I have that app also. I wish I could specify which strings to include as I’d like to just focus on strings 1, 6, 5 for now then add in 4, etc. I don’t see a way to do that, have you noticed?

@WonderMonkey If you go into the settings (gearwheel) under the ‘hamburger’ menu top left of the screen you can select what the active strings are.

@ziggysden thanks, found it!

WEEK 5 - Week Ending Friday 28 June 2024
Target: 7 hours of practice. Actual: 8 hours 33 minutes
Played some every day, Daily Min: 23 mins. Daily max: 101 minutes.

TLDR: Completed Module 10, songs are improving but not there yet, working on note names.

This Weeks Practice Routine (Target 60 minutes/day = 7 hours/week)
05 mins - Repertoire Revision

Technique & Theory
03 mins - F chord and changes
03 mins - Major Scale Pattern 1 (Alternate Picking)
05 mins - Key Signature Recognition - Mr Cato’s Method
03 mins - JG Note Trainer - Name the Note
03 mins - JG Note Trainer - Find the Note

10 mins - Lay Down Sally
10 mins - Hey Joe
10 mins - Brown Eyed Girl
10 mins - No Woman No Cry

Griff Hamlin’s Beginning Blues Guitar
05 mins - Strumming, straight, 12-bar in E
05 mins - Strumming, shuffle, 12-bar in E
06 mins - PFCs: E7 to A7, A7 to B7, and E7 to B7

Practical Music Theory Module 3
All modules completed except for the following:
Recalling Major Scale Notes (+ note names out loud) - In Progress

Thoughts and Reflection
Started including JG Note Trainer app into my daily practice to help recalling the notes on the neck. Began with just a single 3-minute run through for both “Name the Note” (naming random notes on the neck, frets 1-12) and “Find the Note” (finding the same note on all 6 strings, frets 1-12) exercises. Increased this to 3 run throughs per exercise and recorded the stat for the final run through. For the song practice I want to start including playing along with the recordings, maybe instead of the app. The app is good to get started by using the recordings takes away the crutch of having the chords scroll across the screen! I will still use the app when starting out with new songs but switch to playing along with recordings as I start to get the song memorised.

Although scheduled for 60 minutes actual time required is closer to 90 minutes as the gaps between exercises is not accounted for. Remember this when building future routines allow 1.5x the scheduled practice time.

I previewed the Module 11 videos in preparation to move to this in next weeks practice.

Module 10 Technique – working through various changes to F barre chord (E, G, A, C, D) and will keep this in the routine for a while yet. Metronome set to 80 bpm and will gradually increase as changes become better. Target to reach 120 bpm, down strums only with clean changes. I continued with the major scale pattern 1 alternate picking and have it up to 130 bpm (Target: 160 bpm).

Practical Music Theory –For Name the Note I reached 55 notes named in 3 minutes as my best score for the week. For Find the Note my best score was 15 notes in 3 minutes. I continued with key signature recognition and am working through 1-3# and 1-3b keys in each practice session, followed by saying the notes out loud for the worked-out keys. I worked through the power chord note naming exercise (power chords are the I (root) and V) and playing them (muting still needs some work).

Lay Down Sally – working on getting the strumming pattern and chord changes synchronised. Still getting some duff chords due to tempo, I think. Think about introducing some PFCs in next week’s routine to speed up changes. Tried to include the vocal but strumming fell apart, so another week required on strumming/chord changes. Playing to the lyric/chord sheet and JG app. Play along to the recording next week to ease reliance on the chords in the app.

Hey Joe – tempo is relatively relaxed, and the strumming pattern is down, chord changes are clean most of the time. Moved on to learning the lyrics but more work required getting lyrics sync’d with strumming. Playing to lyric/chord sheet and the JG app. Play along to the recording next week.

Brown Eyed Girl – strumming pattern is down, chord changes are clean most of the time. Playing to the lyric/chord sheet (not in the JG app). Play along to the recording next week. Start to learn the lyrics next week.

No Woman No Cry – working on the reggae-feel strumming pattern and this still needs some work to get it automated. Can play a basic strumming pattern for which changes are clean, even the F chord most of the time. Further work on strumming next week and perhaps play along with the recording.

Beginning Blues Guitar – improved change speeds for the 7 chords and am now at 100-120 bpm for the changes all down strokes. Remove this from next week’s routine. Completed both the straight and shuffle 12-bar strumming patterns. Move on to the D7 (key of A) strumming pattern from next week. Add D7 PFCs to the routine for next week.

Module 10 Passing Grade
I have met the basic requirements and will move to Module 11 next week.

Goals for Next Week
Add the Module 11 practice routine and amend the other items in line with the above notes.

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