Zoom will not recognise my speakers or mic

Following the instructions from Toby, and not having altered any sound settings, Zoom has decided not to recognise anything thrown at it. :sunglasses:And I would throw something heavy were it possible. :rofl:
Any suggestions? It seems that every time I open Zoom something has changed without my changing anything. :thinking:

Hi Mal,

ā€¦that sounds like my everyday wifeā€¦uhā€¦life here in the houseā€¦ :blush:

Thereā€™s a chance I donā€™t understand it at all, but when I had no sound I turned something on and off and on and then it worked, but itā€™s probably not that simpleā€¦
If you are not in a meeting, you can open Zoom, open the settings and go to ā€œaudioā€. Here you have the option to set your preferences and test the microphone and speaker on the PC to see if it works.

And checked the box ā€œautomatically join audio by computer when joining a meetingā€


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Yeah, Iā€™ve found Zoom to be particularly troublesome when it comes to audio devices: far more so than the native web-based alternatives (which, IME, are also less resource hungry).

Iā€™m assuming you are using Windows? Iā€™m probably not much use to you there, other than to check that you arenā€™t using a DAW at the same time?

DAWs, typically, seize full control of the audio device they are using (and, also, will normally only use one audio device at a time). So if you are using (for instance) Reaper with your audio interface, it will be off-limits to any other application, including your web browser, Zoom, etc.

There are good technical reasons why they do that, by the way.

If it is that, there are ways around it, but beyond the scope of this answer.



Thanks Keith, yes it is Windows and no the DAW is not on. Have managed to fix the speakers, but the mic refuses to play so far. I would rather be playing the blues than messing with this. :smiley: :sunglasses:

Thanks Roger, still trying to get it to work as it ought to. If not it will be the iPad for the OM. :sunglasses:


Are you using an AI for mic input ? Is it the AI that Zoom is not seeing ?

What options do you get the the mics drop down menu, as below ?

@TheMadman_tobyjenner Hi Toby, thanks for replying. This is the settings SShot. I now have the speaker working, but still no recording. :smiley:

Are you running OBS ? The virtual cable will be expecting audio from there if selected or a similar audio source.

If not switch to the focusrite (assume mic and gtr/amp input?) then try recording.

@TheMadman_tobyjenner thanks Toby. Will try this, but after a fruitless day which has impacted on blues practice feeling the need of some time away from computers :woozy_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes:



Saw the comment in the #BBP and it looks like this is yet to be sorted.
Your OM set ups in the past have been fine some I am wondering what has changed ?

Can you sketch out your signal route from mic and guitar to Zoom, so we can back track from there.

For what itā€™s worth and you may have done so already but reboot the PC. I had some issues with the PC soundcard locking out when using a combination of DAW OBS and Zoom and had to be careful about the order I started the apps, the only way to clear it was to boot the system.

One other thought, check the audio device settings. I still use the Win 7 Control Panel, as the settings layout post Win 10 is what I would call ā€œchallengingā€.

Settings>System>Sounds then select Sound Control Panel top right.


You should get this pop up.

You need to check the properties of all the visible Playback devices and make sure that are not set up for exclusive use.

Select the device then hit properties.

Hit the Advanced tab and check the Exclusive Use settings. Make sure ā€œAllow applications to take exclusive control of this deviceā€ is Unchecked.


Do this for all playback and recording devices. If you have had a Windows update recently this is likely to have defaulted to Checked, which is a right PITA.

I have found having the Exclusive use switched, stops the occurrence of the soundcard locking up.

Not saying this will fix things but could well be a factor IMHE.


@TheMadman_tobyjenner Hi Toby, thank you for the help. :sunglasses: It appears that all is working now, Have just been testing on OBS and Zoom and all works. :smiley: I have not yet figured out what occurred to make it go silent but it now works so will now leave it alone, though test daily. :face_with_monocle:


Good news Mal, just shout if thereā€™s problems. ā€œLeave it aloneā€ was the message I got from my daughter this morning, having sent her my OM dry run recording last night. :rofl:

Toby, I hear you, and your daughter. Computers have a knack of drawing one in and not letting go! :rofl: I still use the control panel to access many things on my win 11. not a fan of the settings layout, it tends to confuse :face_with_monocle: and is not to my mind intuitive. Which it should be! :sunglasses:

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