So… this is my newest guitar, a Cordoba Fusion 12, it’s a nylon string, and I wanted to see how blues would sound on it. The finger style I am attempting is ‘inspired’ by the beginner finger style lessons, some of the more advanced stuff under Techniques and the Before You Accuse Me lesson, and me just playing around and trying to add swing to some of the beginner finger style patterns. The recording is straight off an iPhone, fyi.
Appreciate any input into what’s working well, what isn’t, etc.!
Thank you JK! Lead lines are a good suggestion and my next challenge. I tend to “lose the 1” or forget which chord to play next when I switch from chord strumming / arpeggio to a melody line, especially if the melody mixes eight and quarter notes in different patterns than used by the chords.
Adding lead lines doesn’t require a different picking pattern. You could add a slide, hammer on, a curl, etc on the ‘4 and’. The next note will be the bass note of the next chord.
You don’t even have to do it for every chord. Maybe start with the last chord, the E7, before going back to the start, the A.
If you do it systematically on the same chord, it’ll help you keep track of where you are.
Hi Ashu,
Congratulations on your first video …that’s a big step, and you did it absolutely right …a nice blues that I put on again (3x) to play along with to warm up …great…and then they start talking above adding leadlines in your first video … …take it easy,keep it on going