12 Days of (Heavy Metal) Christmas (for Rogier)

Jeff, with this gift you indulge our desires and festoon us with riches beyond words.
Season’s greetings.

I am unsure what is more disturbing … all those hair metal motifs or the sight of a dancing gingerbread man … especially the rear view of those weird bent knees!

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Yes, that’s my grandnephew with the preternaturally yellow hair.

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Thank you, Richard! :smiley: :+1:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! :sunglasses:

That is definitely a late Christmas gift for me Jeff, thanks for a good laugh! Good to see you in your stage costume again, definitely a well put up Christmas gift for Rogier and all other Community members! Love the crazy solo towards the end as well! :smiley: :smiley:

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Thanks Adi! :smiley: Glad it gave you a couple of laughs mate! :rofl:

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Love it Jeff! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Wonderful…this brings my spirits up better than the traditional Christmas Carols, no doubt about it :joy: Thank you for treating us with this faboulus video :gift::blush::star_struck::heart_eyes:

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Thanks Silvia!! Hope you’re having a lovely time over the festive season and plenty of opportunity to play :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :wink: :hugs:

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