12 Days of (Heavy Metal) Christmas (for Rogier)

:rofl: :rofl: Superb!

That is one of the things that Christmas is all about, having fun and enjoying yourself.

So bad it was good. Thanks Jeff, made me smile big time.

Have a great festive season and a cracking 2024. :+1:


Thanks Toby!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You’ve got that AI artwork on point, mate! That looks killer! :metal::astonished:
Happy Punkmas to you too sir! :sunglasses:

:joy: Thanks Trevor! Yeah it was tough holding it together that’s for sure, almost lost it a few times! Glad you enjoyed it :smiley: :+1:

:astonished: Oooooh can’t wait for this!!! :pray: :rofl: :wink: :+1:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It’s the thought that counts right, Stefan?! :joy: :joy: :joy:
Thanks buddy! Glad it brought some smiles!! :laughing: Have a brilliant Christmas & New Year too mate!! :partying_face:

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Uuuups, you did it again :rofl:… be careful folks, what you think loud…Jeff dusts off his wig and off he goes :upside_down_face: :partying_face:!


This thread also brings much more than I dared hope… :sunglasses:


:rofl: :clap: brilliant, I’m thinking you might be nearly as mad as @brianlarsen :rofl:

Have a great Xmas.


Cheers for the tag, (although not necessarily the sentiment), Craig! :open_mouth:) I’m just about to disassemble the pc to make room for Christmas dinner tomorrow and I nearly missed this.
Excellent stuff, Jeff, and even if the humour, fun and good wishes are the core of this, the amount of effort is impressive.
:tophat:s off to the man! :sunglasses:
:metal: :fire: :fire:


This was awesome

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Wonderful! I forwarded a link to my sister to share with her grandson, a lead guitarist in a New Jersey USA metal band, though he may be too young to know “Oz-zy.”

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Haha, wow what a performance. Your backup dancer definitely stole the spotlight from you though.
Merry christmas Jeff and to everyone else in the JG community :christmas_tree:


Rocking er! Messing up, making it sound good having fun with it, and just keep on a going till the end!! Loved er brother!!

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Legendary Jeff! :joy: Hilarious and great production!

What an idea and way to pull it off. Looked like you’ve levelled up the DaVinci skills for sure.

Merry Christmas dude.

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Brilliant, loved it when you just held it together from what seemed to be laughter. Daughter loved it too. 2

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This is AMAZING :star_struck::laughing: :christmas_tree:

Anytime the wig comes out, you know you are in for a good time. Now I am going to be running around the house singing :notes: 5 skull earrings!!:notes:

Merry Christmas Jeff! ** runs off to go show Dan this video**


Merry Christmas and thanks for the laugh! That song is probably a lot harder to sing and play than it looks (no constant strumming). You nailed it!


Awesome, Jeff :star_struck:!! It’s the end of Christmas Eve here, and I haven’t expected to finish with such a good laugh :smiley:. So great :grin:! Love the vid :heart_eyes:.
Merry Christmas, Jeff, and all the best for 2024!!


Thanks so much @CD02 @brianlarsen @Jwaters @mfeeney0110 @Dro_1 @Dman74 @jkahn @GeoffMolyneux @Jenndye429 @Trish_S !! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:rofl: Always looking to take inspiration from @brianlarsen, he is the master entertainer! :star_struck:

Thanks Brian!! Hope Christmas dinner went well! :yum:

Thanks Jeff! :smiley: :+1:

Thanks Michael! He probably :face_vomiting: at my guitar playing! :rofl: I would be interested to check out his band though! :metal:

Thanks Sandro! :smiley: Yeah that little guy is definitely the star of the show! :man_dancing: :joy:

Thanks Darren! Yeah it was tough holding it together between getting out all the lyrics and trying not to laugh! :rofl:

:rofl: Thanks mate! Yeah I had a lot of fun putting this together in DaVinci! :nerd_face: :joy:

:joy: Thanks Geoff! Yeah, I was sure I was going to lose it! Just held on enough though :laughing: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks Jennifer! :smiley: Yeah that wig has definitely had quite the year! :joy:

Thanks Trish!! Yeah I found it a real challenge to get all those lyrics out… whilst not totally cracking up at the same time! :sweat_smile: :rofl: Guitar playing certainly suffered as a result but :man_shrugging: :joy:

Hope you all had (are having) a fantastic Christmas day!! Best wishes :santa::christmas_tree::partying_face::hugs:


Thanks Nicole! :smiley: :+1:

Glad it brought a couple of laughs! :joy: Hope you had a fab Christmas and all the best for 2024 to you too!! :hugs:

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Well Jeff, you asked for it. They are called Balmora. Not my cup of tea. More like a bucket of battery acid.

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Oh yeah, that’s awesome! Those lads are brutal! Love it! :metal: We have a few local bands that are similar, great to watch live, so much energy! I see they’ve even got a page in Metallum :sunglasses: Is your sister’s grandson the one closest to the camera with the black BC Rich Warlock? That’s a sweet guitar :star_struck: