Sorry if those questions already have been answered. Have done search in the forum, reading here and there and not able to find anything that could satisfy my questions.
- The dude in the shop recommended 11-52 strings. (11, 15, 22, 32, 42, 52) - (Light Gauge) - (black smith phosphor bronze). Also he kept saying, that I had 30 days money back / change guitar. He seemed to be sure I would come crawling back with fingers hurt and changing to spanish guitar with plastic strings. He didn’t know I am a farmer and stubborn like 17 donkeys and I already had done thoroughly investigation on sound and pros and cons of each guitar type, before entering the shop.
Also “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica simply sounds better on acoustic.
I had 3,5 - 4 mm distance on fret 12, so have sanded down the saddle so now its roughly 2,5 mm. Also I tune in 432 hz and not the official 440 hz. That itself lowers the tightness of the strings.
I would like to try thicker strings. 13 - 56. (13, 17, 26, 35, 45, 56) - Medium Gauge) - (D’addario, phosphor bronze).
How much harder will those thicker strings be to press? Is it just that you slightly notice it is harder or is it a lot harder?
Because if only slightly harder, I will give it a try and hear the difference. If a lot harder, I think I will wait a month or two, before doing this.
- Both I and my friend are baffled about this:
I put new strings on 3 weeks ago, not sure my friend though. However, the guitar is in tune in the evening. We can play and it is still in tune somewhat later. - Next morning or next day, the strings have tightened, and I have to loosen the strings to get it in tune again. Often day after day. How is that possible. My logic tells me that the string should become more loose, less and less tightened, certainly not more. My friend have experienced the same, and we are both very confused about this?! Makes no sense. Temp in house / room is roughly same, though humidity unknown, could be that?. But else, no difference in outer circumstances.
Sorry if that is a stupid question and maybe there is a very obvious, simple and logic explanation, that we just are too blind to see.