63 & Brand New

Good Morning All.
I’m Mike from Oklahoma US and 100% totally new to learning guitar. I’m 63 yrs old & have always wanted to learn. I know nothing about music but decided I’m finally gonna learn no matter how long it takes. So far I’m about 2.5 months in. I’ve got the first 8 cords down…but still working on the 30 changes on all. Here we gooooo :grin::grin::grin:


welcome :slight_smile:

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Hi Mike,

Welcome to the community forum. :grinning:

8 chords is a solid start. :+1:
Wish you the best on your guitar journey .


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Go For It Michael!
Making music will keep you happy. :slight_smile:

This is a great place to learn to play too. Lots of support here on the forum + Justin is a very good teacher and easy to understand. You can ask near any question you have on this forum and get some great feedback.

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Welcome, 8 chords is a great start, you can play lots of songs.

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Welcome Mike!

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Welcome to the forum Mike

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Michael, brilliant stuff! I started when I was 56, I’m 71 now. I have achieved stuff that I thought I could never do. I had no knowledge of music other than listening to it but I have written songs and performed them. There’s so much I’d like to achieve but I’m pleased with what I’ve done to date - I have a feel for music and, importantly, it’s opened up a new side to me that I like. So, Michael, well done and all the best and enjoy it!

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Welcome to the community Mike, I started shortly after turning 60. It really is possible. :sunglasses:

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Welcome to the community, Michael. And remember: No harm in taking your time and slowing it down :slightly_smiling_face:

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Love that!!! Thats encouraging, thank you :blush:

Welcome, Mike. I started at 63 nearly 3 years ago, you’ll be amazed what you’ll be able to do.

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Welcome to the Community Michael. Plenty pf help on hand when you need it. Just shout.
Enjoy the ride !


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I started my guitar journey at 60 and love it. My advice is to not rush. Take your time getting the basics down. And don’t give up. There will be moments of frustration but every guitarist has experience that.
Good luck on your journey.

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Thank You …Great Advice…I’m in no hurry…just hope to one day play music for myself :blush:

Let me offer another welcome, Mike! As you see, you’re in very good company here. Hope to see you around the community!

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I started at 67. It’s now eight years later, and that’s all I plan to get out of it. I play for myself, six days a week. Beats sitting around watching daytime television (although I should be firing up my ham radio; sunspot cycle is peaking!)


Thank you so much for the encouragement. I so look forward to the day i can do that.
Yes you do need to fire up your ham equipment. The bands have been open. I use my Yeasu 991A 100 watts & a wire often. 73 :grin:

Ten-Tec Eagle to a G5RV Jr. de KB9RM

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A big welcome Michael !

You’re in the right place here mate.
Stick close to Justins lessons, and reach out here anytime.
Those 8 chords are where it all starts. You may be very surprised at where you can be after just 12 months if you stick to it.

All the best.

Cheers Shane