63 & Brand New

Thank you :grin:

De KE5ASN :+1:t3:

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Hey Mike! I’m a 68 year old beginner with just three chords in my repertoire. We are never too old to learn guitar! Welcome to JustinGuitar dot COM! 73, Dave (K4EET)


Absolutely love it…thanks!!! Hams & Guitars :star_struck:

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Hey Mike, great to hear. There’s some great times ahead so enjoy your journey. :+1:

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Hi Mike ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Greetings ,Rogier

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Hi Mike, welcome to the community forum. There is a lot to learn here. I’m 69 and still learning after 2 years with Justin. I wonder if you are an old school ham and had to learn Morse code. If so, you have developed a good ear for rhythm patterns. I’m not active in ham radio, since most of my activity was 50 years ago, but I can still hear DAH-di-DAH-di DAH-DAH-di-DAH and know that I am hearing CQ. Also your background in electronics and love of electronic gear can be further pursued with electric guitar and home recording :smiley:


Hi Michael,
Welcome to the community you’re making a great start on your journey with joining this amazing community so wishing you all the best on your journey. Keep up the fun and just keep going, you will get better. :guitar: :+1:

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Thank you for the encouragement!!! Twenty years ago when I first got my ticket…they had just gone to the no code technician. However they would still test you on cw & I did add cw to my initial license. I was never very proficient in code. Thanks again

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Awesome…thank you!!

I’m a CW-only guy on HF. I’m rusty from inactivity, but can still comfortably copy 20-25 wpm. At my best I could copy 40-45, but I’ll probably never get that back.

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