70s music

For me its the music, the who is playing academic if it gets the blood pumping and the foot tapping.

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I agree !

thatā€™s why itā€™s difficult to answer to the question : what kind of music do you like ?
Anything as long as my heart starts thumping ! ( But there must be guitar in it usually XD )


Very good thread here.

Yep, Iā€™m stuck in the late 60ā€™s to mid 70ā€™s myself. Momentarily, Iā€™ll be 64.
Thatā€™s cool with me. It is the music I grew up with.

Everyone elseā€™s comments pretty much reflect me.
I literally quit listening to new music when disco came out. I still have zero appreciation for disco.

While I do have music that donā€™t grab me, I do feel Iā€™m diversified. I just know what I donā€™t like.

I can listen to what my folks listened to in the 40ā€™s. Big band music. I like old original blues.

My music background perhaps lends this for me. I played trombone from 7th grade till the end of high school. Band, orchestra, stage band. I also had expositor to underground radio back in the old days. Listener supported only radio. That is a big help for getting diversified music also. fwiw, I still listen to that radio station. Itā€™s not underground anymore, but is still listener supported. ie, no ads!

The 90ā€™s with grunge rock got my attention after the disco craze and I enjoy some of that too.

The new music my boy listens to. Pretty much, I donā€™t get it. Like someone said before here. Whereā€™s the instruments?

And that said. There is new music out there that is too cool. Where you find it, I donā€™t know. Short of here on guitar forums.

This is something I got hip to when I was at a different guitar fourm. One of the members posted this. I think heā€™s doing the acoustic guitar part.
This music moved me a lot. Gave me that shiver up my spine and made my eyes water.

This music has it all imho,
And they did it in a war zone too.
Perhaps very trying times can bring the best out, in some folks.
The 60ā€™s and early 70ā€™s was kinda like that too.


This has turned out to be a far more involved thread than I expected after starting it with a light-hearted bit of reminiscing about the music of the 70s.

What I keep in mind is that in my / our collective youth, we started with a particularly emotional connection to our music, one that continues to this day. That emotional connection isnā€™t as simple as just what we like but also the likes of our social groups at the time. Those social groups include political, cultural and religious influences.

Each new generation is going through the same thing. When I listen back on songs from the 70s, thereā€™s a lot I still really like. There is also some that I really cringe at listening to. The musicality of some of my fav songs from back then just isnā€™t there when I listen to them now, thankfully, for me anyway, that applies to a minority of the songs I liked back then.

If you listen to my father in particular, none of the music I listened to was even ā€œmusicā€, a position which I do my very best to avoid in response to genres of music that arenā€™t necessarily my favourites these days.

Iā€™ve heard people say that rap isnā€™t music and I reject that out of hand. I had the pleasure of being MC at a local music festival this past weekend and one of the bands I introduced was a group of very young men doing rock and rap. It was very good, they were tight and I quite enjoyed their rap songs even though itā€™s a genre I generally avoid.

The critics of rap point out there are some problematic songs with the lyrics espousing violence and what Iā€™ll refer to as ill treatment of women in a family friendly forum such as this, and while I agree that such lyrics are problematic, one doesnā€™t have to look very far into the rock and country genres to find either problematic lyrics or particularly bad and at times illegal behaviour on the part of various rock and country artists. Apologies if Iā€™ve left out a genre that should be mentioned in this vein.

I guess the point Iā€™m trying to make is an encouragement to recognize that our connection to the music of the past goes beyond whether itā€™s good or not, and the same should be seen with more recent and very modern music. Iā€™m confident in 50 years the youth that are now consuming and enjoying what some of us consider to be barely music will be complaining about the modern music thatā€™s being created in 50 years.

There certainly has been a homogenization of music these days with the advent of auto-tune and the continuing commercialization of music thatā€™s much to the detriment of what we hear. Maybe AI will make that better? or worse? But then who am I to say with credibility anything that relates to what I call the detriment of modern music.


I have been wondering if I should contribute to this interesting post, so I will.
If I think about my collection of vinyl, tape and CDā€™s they span mid 60ā€™s to mid 90ā€™s. I am sure they are in the house somewhere just donā€™t know where. The end of the collection is easy to identify it was when my daughter was born.
If I now look at my song repertoire then really most of them are from the 70ā€™s, ok I have some more recent ones but very few,
I think it makes the point as far I am concerned, I am very much connected to a period that had the most influence on my musically tastes, the 70ā€™s.
However things have changed, learning to play and sing means I am now prepared to have a go at anything, just done a mid 19th century American folk song at guitar club and learning to sing some Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin songs, yes really, with my singing teacher.

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Oh dear, I know I like to needle :wink: but hate to ā€˜stingā€™ :open_mouth:
btw I think you pasted the wrong link there, but Iā€™m pretty sure I saw the R Beato one you mean.
It did nothing for meā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Iā€™m sure there are some songs about how the needle stings. Fortunately, I now have to have blood tested so regularly that I have become accustomed to the needleā€™s sting and take it in my stride.

Oooops, yes, the wrong link indeed. Hereā€™s the correct one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VaWKm6XlMk

Iā€™m not surprised the songs did nothing for you.

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Neil Not-so-Young would be a good place to start looking :laughing:

I was saying earlier how I thought the 70s were where record companies started being more concerned about profits than artists and their music.

I was reading about Melanie Safka and came across this gem: ā€œMelanie left Buddah Records [in 1971] when they insisted that she produce albums on demand.ā€

True, though no mention of ā€˜stingā€™, just the ā€˜damageā€™. Maybe some further mentions on the ā€˜Tonightā€™s the Nightā€™ album, itā€™s darkness a result of a couple of fatal drug overdoses.

The song that comes to my mind is Hurt.

But we digress ā€¦

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To add to the digression, ā€˜The Needle of Deathā€™ by Bert Jansch, which Neil Young covered as a tribute to Bert after his death.


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Waitā€¦ I have one as wellā€¦ fastly before my lunch break is over ā€¦ :laughing: