9 Crimes by Damian Rice (cover)

a short cover of a powerful song originally by Damian Rice

by DocDantheGuitarMan


Good one Dan!
Thanks for sharing!!!


Hey Dan, even if I haven’t commented on every recording, I really enjoy your performances. This one was a really nice one to start into the day! A cool powerful song! I like your playing and singing a lot!

How do you have the time Dan to practice and do your job ? I would imagine you’re very busy as a surgeon . But great job on the song.

Super vocals and guitar Dan! Great performance.

Thanks for listening
Damien Rice nailed it w that song

Hey, Tx for listening

Guess cause I love it (and can hide in the basement from 10-1130pm)

That’s kind of you
Tx for the listen

A great example of how repeating the same simple progression throughout the song can sound fab.
Well played and sung :sunglasses:
I don’t know the song, but it conjured up interesting imagery. I was expecting (hoping?) we’d get to hear about all 9 crimes, but I’m not even sure about the one (apart from it being small :laughing:).
Out of curiosity, it looks like you’re playing A min, ‘thumb-over F’? C & G. There’s a nice economy of finger movement on the frets apart from the G. You wouldn’t be tempted to play the country F Justin often uses? (I’ve decided today to start practicing it)
Keep ‘em coming :smiley:

This is so true. Amazing how a simple looped progression can work if you have some dynamics of guitar, of voice, timing. There are several great YouTube version were Rice does this masterfully. I’ve watched how he changes his playing at the “No…No…No” part and the audiences love it.

As to fingering I use the lazy F (not fretting the base) a lot but a full bar F works as well

Thanks for the in depth thought

Hello Dan, that was a really enjoyable piece of music :blush:. So well played and sung. Great emotions and dynamics :+1::clap:.
Thanks a lot for sharing :hugs:.

WOW :exclamation: Great :exclamation: Great playing and great singing :exclamation: Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

I loved the song Dan! Very well played and sung.

Great stuff, you certainly capture the vibe of the original song. Nice to hear someone else doing Damien Rice songs, he’s awesome.

That’s kind of you. I’ve watched plenty of him. One guy with a guitar capturing the crowd. So impressive.

Not sure why it’s called “9” crimes?

Good question.

There are themes of infidelity and guilt in the song. Lisa Hannigan accompanied his vocals on the song, they broke up within a year of the album 9 being released. He’s publicly tried to reconcile with her to no avail.

I still follow Lisa’s music closely, she’s an amazing artist.

Since my comment yesterday, I had the chance to listen some more times to your rendition and to the original tune. You did a great job, especially on catching that vibe! Your dynamic feeling for the guitar and your voice is impressive.

This! The more I play, the more I admire the ability to catch the listeners just with thise simple requisites… I love the ability of one guy/ girl and one guitar/ piano, or whatever. Hope to ever get to a point, where I can confidently do this!

Well played and sung Dan. Don’t know the song but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great dynamics in your playing as well. Thanks for sharing :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:

And thanks for having a listen
Be well

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