A couple of attempts at playing songs from memory

Hi everyone

As part of my Grade 1 consolidation I’m trying to commit some songs to memory. Here are some recordings I did on Sunday evening. I want to get 5 songs in my internal songbook before I shuffle on to Grade 2.

Wagon Wheel - this took 6 attempts to get past the first verse as I kept singing “strumming” instead of “thumbing my way”.

Knocking on Heaven’s Door - managed to get this in one take. I’ve only just started listening to Dylan’s original after previously being more familiar with the GnR version.

These are both just shot on my phone as I don’t have any recording equipment just yet. Hope you enjoy and any feedback gratefully received. Cheers, Michael


Hi Michael,
Bye day grade 1 …welcome to grade 2 :sunglasses:

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Michael @MichaelBrabs
Great stuff, liked the little embellishments.
Roger says welcome Grade 2, I would say welcome to Grade 4+


Cheers Roger! Just a few more Grade 1 lessons to complete then bring on Grade 2 :guitar:

Thanks Michael! Very generous of you to say that. To be honest, when I started Justin’s lessons I could probably play all of those chords after having learned them way back when. However, I feel like I’ve learned so much in Grade 1 which has enabled to do something more constructive than just playing random chords. I couldn’t play a song 6 months ago, strum consistently, hold a pick, etc. I’m excited to see what Grade 2 has in store and look forward to Grade 4+ when the time arrives :grinning::guitar:


Amazing performances! I really envy the way your strumming seems relaxed and natural. And singing to top it off! You will crush Grade 2 I’m sure.

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Hi Michael - Your more than ready for G2. Keep on doing what your doing as it’s working wonders for you. Totally with you on sticking to G1 goals to ensure you’ve applied everything that you’ve learned from a musical perspective. Your building solid foundations that way. Playing, singing and not focusing on the hands is a big accomplishment for G1.

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Very well done on both videos Michael and you are definitely ready (more than ready) to move on.:sunglasses:

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Great stuff. Learning to play and sing from memory is a game changer.

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Wow, for Grade 1 passing this is really great, Michael! :clap:

Singing and playing, solid rhythm, throwing in little licks here and there - yep, you’re ready for Grade 2! :smiley: You build a solid foundation already and throwing in those extra bits. But I get why you want to stick to the goals - it’s also a good motivation to finally get these songs ingrained to memory. :slight_smile:

Keep on doing what you’re doing. You are well on your way.

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Congratulations & you deserve to move on to G2!!! Very nice strumming & added embellishments!
Movin’ on!


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Blimey, I have just started consolidating grade 3 and nowhere near your level! Well done!

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Michael @MichaelBrabs

Was just kidding about Grade 4+ you need to work through all the Grades and fill any gaps you might have, but I think you should make quick progress.


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well done Michael, I really enjoyed both songs. Your playing has a solid groove, you have a good singing voice, and you perform with confidence. I particularly liked how you had a little glitch towards the end of Wagon Wheel, but you basically ignored it and just got straight back in the groove like a seasoned pro. I’d say you’re not only ready for grade 2, but you’re also ready to perform live in the community Open Mic. Hope to see you there soon!

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I listened to your rendition of Knocking, Michael. It’s great, well beyond grade 1 level IMHO. Great feel, the extra strums, embellishments. Crack on with GR2 and keep working on the songs from grade 1.


Joining the choir of all of those saying you are more than ready for Grade 2 :slightly_smiling_face:

I particularly liked " Wagon wheel" - looks like a fun song to play - and how well you coped with the small hickup there.

Looking forward to more videos :slightly_smiling_face:

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Excellent Michael. Super confident strumming, chords and embellishments.
Like you it’s the lyrics I forget. After a couple of goes I can usually remember the chords to a song I haven’t played for a while.
Well done.

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Hi Michael,
Your strumming is really even across the strings, rhythmic, snappy where it neds to be, and very enjoyable to listen to.
Excellent work.
And importantly - you are properly learning the songs by memory - stick with this approach, it’s crucial for a multitude of reasons. There are many people never wean themselves off the sheet.


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Thank you everyone for your very kind words and feedback. I really appreciate all your comments and feedback and that you took the time to watch my videos. I’m blown away by the support of this community and I hope I can contribute similarly to others. Hope everyone is doing well. Cheers, Michael :guitar:


Nothing to see here, move along folks ! :rofl:

Definitely well beyond Grade 1 performances, especially Knocking. Very nicely done indeed, now get yourself over to Grade 2 and get cracking !