A-ha Take on Me

Hi @sticktothemuse thanks for the comments! It too me a while to warm up to using a capo. I’ve been playing for about 20 months and pretty much avoided using one for about 4-6 months as I felt I needed to really figure out the open chord and bar chord shapes first. As I found out though (as you did with Wonderwall), a huge number of songs are actually written with a Capo. Lots of Oasis, The Smiths, and Paul Simon songs use a capo in the studio version. I’m not in any way an expert but to me a capo is a great way of changing the key of the song to make it higher or lower pitched. Also allows you to use the same open chord shapes in different locations on the fretboard so you can get different chord voicings without having to use bar chords.

Justin has some really great explainer videos on how to start using a capo. Which you may have already found since it took me 5 days to respond to your note!

Jesse, thanks for the information, much appreciated. I have not seen Justin’s videos on the capo. I will look for them. I’m 5 months on the journey and have plenty to work on :slight_smile: but I would like more information on the capo. Thanks again for taking the time to write!

There are tons of videos out there - here’s one by the man himself: All About Capos | JustinGuitar.com

good stuff, thanks!

That was superb Jesse. What a top tune to cover and I thought you did a cracking job. Some real high notes in there and you didn’t seem phased by them at all. Nice bit of picking on the keyboard bit as well. Sweet stuff.