A little blues

Hi Stefan - Thanks for the comments. So much music and so little time - I play a bit of everything these days!

Thanks Gordon - it’s a fun little tune.

I’m stealing this quote

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Love it ! Thanks for sharing !

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I’m sure whoever said it first will be very proud

Thanks Luc!

Thats the type of blues i like and would like to play, i can do mannish boy and im a man and get through catfish blues more or less.how about a tutorial have to break it down though.

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Hi John -
I’ve made a short video explaining what I was doing. I think it’s important to understand that this was just my version - some of the decisions I made were because they fell under my fingers well, so by all means use it as a basis for something, but I wouldn’t try and play it exactly like I do. Listen to the Kingfish version for inspiration and make it your own.
Having tried to explain how I play something in a video has given me a whole new respect for Justin’s videos :slight_smile:
Have fun …


Hi paul,
:sunglasses: :clap: :sunglasses: :clap:
I’m going to watch it all the way through a little later, but I want you to know now that I think it’s a very very very :smiley:nice idea of ​​yours… 12 points for the effort no matter how it goes, but I’m sure I’ll like it… I thought that was happening in the background from the first 2 minutes


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Hey Paul,

I for one, really appreciate you giving us an insight into your take on this, after seeing you crush it the other day.

This stuff is right where I’m at, at the moment, so your expose` is much appreciated. Clear and concise. Will have to get that little riff down straight away :nerd_face:.
I’ve watched a couple Kingfish’s performances. Pretty phenomenal. Great tune.
I’m always on the lookout for great blues tunes that are great teachers. Thanks again.

Cheers, Shane

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:slight_smile: Thanks Rogier

Yeah, he’s something else Shane. Amazing player.

Paul, I liked your earlier debut AVOYP, but I really loved this performance. The phrasing and tone are inspiring to me, since I am beginning to learn the blues. I think that you were really underselling your experience in the last video post. I am definitely bookmarking this video to look at later as I start blues lead sometime next year.

Thanks Steve, that’s very kind. The song is fairly straightforward … I did a little tutorial explaining what I was doing if you’re interested in giving it a bash when you get there.

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That was a terrific performance Paul!

You’ve got the whole package in there - spot-on vocals, great rhythm, tasteful guitar fills and a perfectly crafted solo. After I read the comments I had to listen again for the early Eb9. There is NO WAY I’d have noticed that if you hadn’t pointed it out.

BTW are you actually a mathematician?

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Cheers Phil - mathematician by training, first degree was pure maths, had a couple of false starts on some post grad stuff, but might get back into that as retirement looms.

Ah good idea. I did postgrad mathematical physics (twistor theory - who’d have guessed!). Retirement is a fantastic time, thanks to that twangy thing with 6 strings nailed to a piece of wood. Don’t know what I’d have done without it!

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My interests were non-interger dimensions and fractal geometry. Interestingly I originally wanted to study physics but got sucked into the maths and never looked back!

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No sure why this was off my radar but that’s another great tune for a cold Sunday morning.
Sounding good Paul !

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Thanks Toby!

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Ahh!!! Awsome paul!!
Sounded great, cool song ive never heard before.
Sounded as a little bit of funk were mixed in the blues aswell.

Awsome performance Paul :raised_hands:t2:

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Thanks Trond, appreciate the listen!

Somehow missed this first time around. What a good take on this song , Paul. Demonstrating a level of performance I aspire to. Pretty sure I’ve heard it on Spotify recently, as a recommended track because of the BLIM playlists I’ve listened to so frequently.

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