A member gifts me the Blues Course

This is so wonderful :heart_eyes:. Shane, I’m so happy to hear that you can participate in the BLIM course thanks to this generous and heartwarming gesture :star_struck:.
I’ve always known that this community is a very special place, and this story proofs it even more.
I wish you a fantastic time with BLIM. Enjoy it :smiley:.


So happy for you, and thank you to the gracious soul who was so generous! This is truly a special community!


Hi Shane,

The universe works in mysterious ways mate. Firstly hats of to whoever you are that gifted, you are an inspiration. And Shane, you are a well deserving person Mate, in my time here you have always happily offered your feedback, shared your knowledge and been happy to help those of us that have reached out.

Enjoy the course and I look forward to the AVOYPs of your progress :smiley: :+1:


Hello Shane :smiley:

This really is a lovely and heartwarming story :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
… and so very well deserved for all your kindness and constant, much appreciated contributions to the forum.

Thank you for sharing this. One more reason to love this awesome community. Such kindness and generosity.

Enjoy the course and have tons of fun and success with BLIM :notes: :guitar:


Hi Shane,

This is one of the best stories I’ve read in my relatively short time on this forum.

It’s also by far the longest piece I’ve seen that you have written :grin: :grin:

Regarding your comment about “paying forward the gracious generosity,” I’d like to say that you already have! Your technical advice has been incredibly valuable, and I’ve learned so much from you, and I truely appreciate that! How thoughful from the donator, you definitely deserve it, I’m wishing you lots of fun with it during the next six months :guitar: :blue_heart:


This makes me very happy! Such a wonderful community growing here :slight_smile:

I’ll be doing everything I can to make this course awesome!

:slight_smile: J.


Hey Justin,

Thanks for droppin’ in mate and for the kind words.
Looking very forward to July 1. Going to be an awesome 6 months.

Cheers, Shane


Hello Shane,
This was a very touching post that really struck a chord with me. In a world where it seems like so few are in touch with any spirit of kindness or compassion or giving, this Community is the opposite & you are definitely one of our kindest souls. You are always so upbeat & positive, putting a smile on my face with your words of encouragement to others… I really believe that if there’s a more deserving person to be given a gift like this here amongst us, I can’t imagine who that would be! I’m very happy for you!!!

To the person who has done this I can only say “Well Played!!! This was a kindness that helps to restore faith that there are some good humans left on the planet!!!”



What a beautiful story, thanks for sharing it - it made me cry as well. I’m SO happy for you and to hear that there are still wonderful people out there!
I wish you (and your wife) all the best!!!


Hi Shane,
I’m one of the lucky 5 who got scholarships and if I knew about your story I would have lobbied to make sure you got in even if it meant giving up my spot; and I’m really excited to be on this journey but you definitely deserve it as much as anybody so I’m looking forward to be going on this journey together!


Wow! Glad this happened for you!


Wow! How amazing, Shane! :astonished: Such a heartwarming story, thank you for sharing :heart: :hugs: And what a fabulous gift from an incredible generous soul in this beautiful community! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: This has made my day, so super cool!! :smiley::+1: Have a brilliant time on the Blues course, Shane!! :guitar: :sunglasses:


Always nice to read this kind of story.
Enjoy your Blues course.


What a fantastic story Shane, kudos to you, your family and a generous soul who gave you such a tremendous gift! Hope you are enjoying the course!