About Module 1: A & D Chords + Play Your First Song!

Learn how to play the A and D chords and my trademark trick for fast chord changes! Plus, play your first song on the guitar! All lessons here.

:rotating_light: Don’t post specific questions here but in the topics below. They correspond with each lesson in this module!

2 posts were split to a new topic: How do guitar chords get their names?

Hello all, first of all, a million thanks to Justin for doing this! It is an incredible system. I am not a musician, but I am a teacher. Speaking of this, there is a decision at about this module that people need to make. One can opt to proceed faster in order to avoid boredom but I would suggest slowing down actually and spending time to get those cord changes within the context of a song right. Seven weeks after starting (practicing 20-40 minutes daily, sometimes more, only skipped 4 days total over those 7 weeks), I am working that via Dire Straits’ Walk of Life with many cord changes between A, D, and E. I can barely ever get the whole thing clean (meaning perfect changes and each note being clean). What I am able to do is to stay on rhythm and go through the song without show-stopping errors on 1/2-1/3 of occasions (meaning no butchered cord change). Normally there are 2-3 minor errors such as a muted string or the like in every attempt. So this clearly takes time to get right but I suppose that pain early is a good thing later :slight_smile:


Hi there, I’m on Grade 1, Modul 1 and need help deciding on whether to continue with the web version or the app. They’re supposed to be identical but they’re not, at all. For example, at the end of the daily practice routine you’re supposed to strum along a song for 10 minutes. On the web version there is a 10 min video with three parts, with increasing tempo, each about 3 min. The app on the other hand, the practice video is only 1 min 10 sec and has only one steady pace. I have seen other smaller inconsistencies but this one is a big one for me. What’s up with that?