Always On My Mind

Superbly performed! It just…flowed. You made it seem effortless.

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Thank you Claudia,
That was wonderful so clean and lovely singing :clap:

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I loved string scratching, picking/strumming combinations and the whole relaxed feel. It was wonderful!

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Great - the combined strumming / fingerpicking and the melody integrations is great. Together with the signing and keeping the timing this is a fantastic performance. Superb!

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Very nicely done. I enjoyed your fingerwork. Might want to loosen up a bit possibly. Did you fell a bit tight? Just seems a little more joy in the voice would go a long ways.

Not sure if you have control of it, but your volume level is about -15dB and pretty quiet on YouTube… So you might want to look at that.

All in all, a very enjoyable song!
All the best,

Lovely.Really sweet.


Hello Claudia, watching your videos is always a treat, and this one is no exception. So well played and sung. You can be really proud, that’s a beautiful piece of music.
The time and effort you’ve put into it were absolutely worth it :hugs:.

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Excellent job!

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Thank you for your comments @LBro . For sure I was a bit tight - as soon as I press that record button I always am! Still working on that. Any tips, let me know. The volume - yes, I just recorded straight onto my laptop without a mic and without adjusting the levels, so I agree, it’s too low. Glad you enjoyed it, but pointers for improvement very welcome.

That was really nicely done Claudia - great singing and playing!

You’ve inspired me to restart fingerstyle again and I think I’m going to have a go at this!

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Outstanding Claudia. I’ll be very happy when I personally reach the level you are at.

Well done gal !

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Great work!
For unprocessed sound recorded on laptop mic it sounds very good (quite low ambient noise). I wonder if you have any plans for adding more gear to your recording setup or it is fine the way it is from your perspective.

Wow! Im a sucker for ballads and I absolutely loved this! Nice job all around!

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I do have a mic I normally use - I just couldn’t be bothered this time. I often struggle to get the balance right between guitar and vocals. Something else to work on!

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Thanks very much for the compliment. I only publicly list the odd video which I think is good enough. I’m not convinced this one is in that category!

Got it. I will continue to not listen to or comment on unlisted content. I have too much respect for those of us that let it all hang out for better or worse. I started listing all of my content because it may encourge others – if a big ugly like me with marginal looks and skills can do it, so can they.

Your rationale is that only flawless recordings should be listed. That encourages players to die on the vine for however long it takes to reach “perfection” on a song. Better to get into a practice and release cycle where you advance quickly, and get as many eyes on your music as possible, and encourage as many people as possible.

In closing, I watch a Youtuber that has a fishing channel and he closes out every video with this remark:
“Make sure to go out and encourage someone today, you never know how you might just change their life.”

Really appreciate the encouragement and your sentiments. However, this is the forum where I feel comfortable posting my recordings, warts and all. That’s what this community is for. I don’t think I’m being precious or disrespectful to others by not posting everything publicly on YouTube It’s only because, in order to post here, I had to load up a YouTube channel that I ever thought of going anywhere near YouTube in the first place. One step at a time.

Perfectly reasonable and I admit to being an outlier. When I went to your channel and saw only 4-5 subscribers it floored me. Looking forward to your next listed release. Play on playa!

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Very nice, Claudia! I wish I had your acoustic skills (both vocal and instrumental)! I really liked the instrumental version you played. I will look forward to hearing more of your work. I hope you will work on your recording setup to bring out more clarity, though, because we deserve it :wink:

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I agree with your second paragraph, especially because I don’t have any flawless recordings :wink:

Allow me to provide a lengthy beard analogy. I am over 60 years old and have never grown a beard, because I thought it would be too thin and patchy. But one day, I came across a ‘beard’ YouTube channel, and a man with an amazing beard (Greg Berzinsky) cut off his beard and regrew it for 90 days without trimming it. He documented its progress every week, and it looked very thin and patchy for a while. But as the weeks progressed, it just blossomed into a nice-looking beard. He encourages people to take the ‘Greg Berzinsky Challenge’ and do the same, saying that most men give up on it too early. And I’ll be damned if he isn’t right! Week 4 looked pretty pathetic, but week 7 is looking much better, and I’m excited about reaching week 12!

The point is, if I had only seen pictures of his epic beard, I surely would have given up after a month. But seeing how someone with one of the most famous beards on the internet started out with a thin and patchy beard like I expected mine to be, gave me the motivation to do it, and not stop until at least 90 days have passed.

My wife hates it, but that’s beside the point :slight_smile:

Apologies for the non-guitar-related analogy, but what you said really resonated with me and my facial journey.