Angie -The Rolling Stones (short)

I don’t understand you, Roger.
For someone who has such a lot to say ( :rofl:), you keep you guitar skills very close to your chest.
My sharing rate would be even more tedious if I could play ‘properly’ like that!
I prefer short versions of songs when vocals are omitted, unless there is going to be a significant difference in the playing, so well done there.
Critique-wise, I’m out of my depth musically, although you could probably work on your posture :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good stuff, and get that recorder out more often :smiley:

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Hi Adrian, @adi_mrok
Thanks ,I did this short version because otherwise it becomes a repetition and the only part in between is too easy/boring and you really have to sing along,…and then I miss Steve :laughing:
So only when Steve comes by or I learn to sing you will hear more , :smiley:

Hi Brian,… @brianlarsen
After all those stories you still don’t understand me,…just let your wife read something, she’ll probably be faster,…and can explain :blush:
Thank you :blush:,…

Should have started playing about standing…and i think you mist a lick `n riff blues,so I’ve done enough lately :sweat_smile:,


:sweat_smile: but this is the first one I see…It’s only a few months I’m here :innocent:

I’m of the same school of thought, we’re part of an amazing learning platform and we can learn so much from eachother :blush:


Huge admiration and respect for you Rogier. You are an inspiration. Your music shines you.

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Nicely played Rogier! Glad you followed through :wink:. Definitely some good skills there. I’m looking forward to seeing your new acoustasonic in your next AVOYP. It must be on order by now?

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Wow! That was awesomely played! Masterful work, Rogier! :clap::clap::clap: One of my favorite Rolling Stones tunes and you really nailed the tone and vibe. Thanks for sharing! :grinning::+1:

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Hey Roger,
Very nicely done mate! Both vids sounded good on this end. You had me looking at my sound setup though as it seems the version done without video favors the right side in panning. Not sure what went on there?

But your play was great on this! Great song and great job in bringing it to life on your guitar! I do hope you can complete and share with us the entire song!

All the best and be well,

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Hi Maggie, @batwoman
Thank you, :blush: ,… And thanks :kissing_heart:

Hi JK, @jkahn
Thank you ,glad you liked it ,…and :face_with_raised_eyebrow: How dare you, it hasn’t been talked about for a day,get out of my head :face_with_thermometer:…and an thomann order is going out this afternoon if i can find my Paycard,…but this time I really have to try out the guitar in a shop, and that will take a while before I get a Saturday afternoon can go, so, bad JK :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Greetings… :grin:

Hi Jeff, @nzmetal
Thank you ,Very nice words and glad
that you like it,…I appreciate that very much :sunglasses:

Hi LBro , @LBro
Thank you very much, :smiley:…no idea what you’re saying or what it means from that sound :grin:,…

I will only play the whole song if I ever sing a little less out of tune,…I was planning to practice this year but it will be next year at the earliest for the first serious practice…


Sounding awesome there Rogier, my head was nodding along instantly and minsticntively started singing along in a Micky J drawl :wink:
You’re right that second recording with the upped reverb sounded better, was it a little slower too?
Thank you for sharing that, so glad you did :+1:


Hi Mark, @Notter
Thank you ,and that is a good thing ,nice saying,
About the 2nd version, that’s exactly the same, just kicked in the looper while playing, and later put the phone in front of it and picked up the looper so as not to be bothered by the direct recordings of the strings, because of how things are here quite a negative influence,…and I just picked up the looper again and turned the reverb back,…and I have to say I agree with Toby even more than I already did,… … let’s see if I’m going to put it in there, … but you’ll hear the mistakes even better :blush:

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Lol :joy: :joy::joy:

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Very nice, really enjoyed watching and listening. Great job on the intro, I’ve played around with it a bit and still can’t consistently play at a good tempo.

Both versions sounded good, but I think I preferred the first, less reverb one more.


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I liked it. :slight_smile:

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That was really well done great job Roger!!! :slight_smile:

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Awesome performance Roger, and it’s a beautiful guitar you got here. You rock !!:clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Hi Rod, @RodC
Thanks ,and glad you liked watching :sweat_smile:
I hope to post the version with telephone for the amplifier without reverb tomorrow, otherwise Monday,…that’s the best,…thanks for the confirmation :sunglasses:

Hi Aurimas, @GNS
Thank you :smiley:

Hi Byron, @Bytron08
Thanks, glad you liked it,…

Hi Anass, @Phoenix97
Thank you ,very nicely said,… and you are one of the few who really like my guitar…Justin was also very interested and liked it (or he was surprised and just acted very sweet ,
:laughing:),…although I bought it myself for the super light weight 2.37 kg

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Nice! Thanks for sharing sir. You nailed it, put a roof over it and allowed a small family of earwigs to take up residence. Dig it!

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Hi Clint , @CT
Thanks you,Nice commentary to start the day :smiley: :sunglasses:

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Some sweet sounding coming from your guitar Rogier. That was a great listen and I feel very laid back now, going into my day.

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Hi Stefan,
Thanks, :sunglasses: and that brings a smile on my face that you saying laid back,…
Nowadays I only think about sloppy play sometimes by Brian when i read or hear that :joy: