Another rainy day

Hi Everyone,
I was just noodling around this evening on my porch watching a thunderstorm at the end of a very rainy day and these lyrics just popped into my head. It sounded ok in my head so decided to just go for it and record it as is on my iPad. This is very raw and took about 10 minutes to write. Apologies for any background sound as there was a lot going on outside with the weather. Any feedback is welcome.

Thanks for the listen.


Woah Eddie! That was great!! :clap: :star_struck: If I was sitting in a pub or at an OM and someone rocked up and played that, I’d be calling out for an encore! Luckily I can just hit replay on YouTube! :laughing: Love the simplicity, makes it an easy, enjoyable listen. Your strumming injects momentum and the lyrics are evocative enough to generate emotions I think we can all relate to. As always your vocals are great and adds to the listening enjoyment immensely. Really well done and thanks for sharing! :sunglasses: :+1:


Hi Eddie,
Great :sunglasses: :clap: :bouquet:

Life with guitar is so much easier when you can sing :grin: :sunglasses:

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Nice one Eddie, kudos for being able to get that sorted out in such a short time!! It may be raw but you know what it’s absolutely natural, and performing / recording it on your porch only adds to the feel.

Can’t beat some stuck 3&4 :slight_smile: :wink:

Thank you for sharing that with us, I’d say your firmly back on the rails now Eddie!

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Irrespective of the ridiculously short time it took to write, that’s a very pleasant song you have there, Eddie. Well done and nice share! :smiley:
I think I read in one of your other posts that you were contemplating moving back to Europe? You do know there are no ‘porches’ here to sit out on, strumming your guitar and letting your muse go? :rofl:
This is the second ‘stuck chord’ original I’ve listened to in as many days. I skipped that bit of the course but may have to seek it out, as it seems like fertile ground :thinking:

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Careful now Brian, you’ll be posting an AVOYP of an Oasis song at some point if you’re not careful!! :wink:


I shall let my friend Les Glover sing my response to that :rofl:
(apologies for the hijack Eddie :wink:)


Quickly taking it back to that rainy day…

That was a really lovely moment of inspiration that you captured and shared with us. I particularly, liked that second verse as captures the reality for a lot of places in a poetic way and you know I like a nice catchy chorus. Well done fella. Glad to see you back on the rails.

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Hello Eddie, oh what a wonderful treat you shared with us :star_struck:.
This song is beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.
Although, I can’t relate to the song’s title at the moment, as we have no chance of even a single rain drop within the next days (see the pic of the wheather forecast). Maybe I should write a sequel song titled ‘Another sunny day’ :grin: .
Thanks a lot for sharing :hugs:.



Such a beautiful song Eddie! It’s very impressive to me how you can grab your guitar and depict a picture of what you see out and within yourself!

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Jayyyyyyysus Eddie. Best yet. Love it. I’d stick that on repeat. Tones of Neill Young and a Deep Blue Something love child.

Thanks for sharing.

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Hi Eddie,
straight off the bat, or off the porch even, that is a really nice tune. You make it look so relaxed and effortless. :clap: :clap: :clap:
What a nice way to spend a rainy day.
Best wishes,


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Thanks so much Jeff for your generous feedback. To be honest I didn’t overthink this and it just popped into my head. This was a first take and I haven’t actually written this down on paper yet. I am unable to sit down and just write a song for the sake of it, they usually just come to me or fall out of the sky :joy: and that seems to work best for me. Really appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment. Thanks again mate.

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Thanks Rogier. Life with a guitar is easier than without. Sometimes my singing is awful :disappointed: and sometimes good :blush: but I do it anyway. :joy:

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Thanks Mark. I am a big fan of the stuck 3/4 chords and especially on the G chord I prefer the sound to the traditional G. It also helps that I am a big Oasis fan so like to play a lot of their songs at home. Cheers for the listen and feedback Mark!

Thanks Brian. We were actually considering moving back to Sweden this summer and then my wife got a big promotion at work so we are here for another 2/3 years. The lack of porches in Europe was also a major factor in staying :joy: as where else can I just sit down and lose myself with the guitar at the end of the day.

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Thanks James. Moments of inspiration don’t come along too often so we need to take advantage when they do. Really glad you enjoyed it mate. Love what you are producing with your original songs lately so keep them coming!

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Thank Nicole and glad you enjoyed the song. Yesterday was the first day it rained here in ages and we are to get back into the 30s for the next couple of weeks. Not a fan of the rain but I guess if it hadn’t rained yesterday I would have never wrote this song! Look forward to hearing your song about the long sunny days!

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Thank you so much Silvia. A rare moment of inspiration hit me yesterday and this song came out. I really appreciate you checking it out and I am happy that you enjoyed it .

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Wow thanks Dom. Like I said earlier it just came into my head and I hadn’t intended to sit down and write a song. Maybe the ones that just fall out of the sky are the ones that work best for me. This one wasn’t polished or altered in any way but going by how it has received here I will probably just leave it as is. Thanks again Dom and hope all is going well for you back in the sunny south east!

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