First take attempt, so much so I didn’t set the JustinGuitar app up to play it with vocals.
I am about 2 years in, currently rounding off module 13.
Trying to play without looking.
Trying to play it standing.
Went to the wrong chord once and stopped prematurely. (One take).
Sometimes I wonder about creating a learning log…
Then I see against my user a link to see any audio or videos.
It’s 7 minutes, thought I might warn about that.
Someone at work asked me when was I going to be in a band, thought that some way off, but joked I was going to form a band “AD”. ( Ageing Disgracefully ). But need to improve somewhat first…. Thanks.
Thinking about the tone as that was the bridge pickup on clean (was told not to post stuff for comment with distortion, so people could hear if chords were OK ), a Tube Screamer clone is on the Christmas list…
Hi Geoff
Solid performance. I love my classic vibe tele too, and I tend to use the bridge pick-up almost exclusively.
You did a good job of not looking at your fretting hand, next challenge for this piece might be not looking at the app and remembering the chords. That’s another useful skill to work on.
Looking forward to hearing some more from you.
Sounding good there Geoff. Everything is looking and sounding good. Nice Tele too. I only did about 4 minutes though but it brought me 4 minutes of pleasure.