Back to my roots! Midnight Blues, a Soulful Chicago Blues piece plus something else!

Really good blues. I could definitely listen to that on the radio.

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Hi Darrell! It was just fire, my hands involuntarily reached for the guitar :slight_smile: Great improvisation, and the sound of the guitar is just right!! My applause!


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Right in the groove, Darrell, I really enjoyed that! The longer I wait for registration info on Justin’s Blues Immersion course the more I’ve been thinking maybe it’s not for me (for various reasons). Listening to you playing this though reignites my interest in learning to play the blues - so thank you! And maybe I will register in that Blues Immersion course when it starts :slightly_smiling_face:

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Awesome Darrell. I live in Chicago at the moment and I could easily imagine hear you play that at the House of blues or Kingston mines here in town. :sunglasses:

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@Helen0609 @Avalon426 @Jwaters @MikeSebastianP @Mari63 @Eddie_09
Thank you all so much for your amazing comments and encouragement, it really means a lot to me.
I’m letting you all know another Blues project is in motion, I couldn’t resist the idea of doing a Shuffle, perhaps my favourite style!


Looking forward to hearing that too :sunglasses: :smiling_face: :sunflower:

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Very enjoyable. Good feel and timing.

I’m curious about the backing track. Did you make it in GarageBand from virtual instruments? Or did you pull in a premade backing track into GB ?

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That was all my own work, I play Bass and a bit of Keys plus have an EHX Mel9 which used with a guitar can produce Organ and other Electronic Keyboard sounds. Plus I use drum sequencers, patches from my MultiFX, Freebie App sequencing, and GarageBand drums. It’s time consuming but a lot of fun!
More details on the third post down.

I give this track high marks for tone and phrasing in the early section. The first minute was inspired and really showcases the blooze. It sounded like you were playing in one position, which makes a strong case for playing for a minute or so.

That said, I’m a +1 on needing a bit more space and movement in the later section. It happens to all of us, we start “feeling it” and sometimes it is hard to back off.

Overall this was a gem. Well done!

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Wow! That was terrific, Darrell! :astonished: Totally dug what you were doing there and could have happily kept listening to you wailing on your axe! Loved it mate! :clap: :clap: :clap: :sunglasses:

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Well what comes next isn’t quite what I intended but hey when the juices flow………



Excellent! Really engaging, evocative piece. Well played.


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When the juices flow you just got to let them go. That was really good.

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This is seriously good stuff Darrell - love your playing!

There are some subtle Hammond-y sounds in the background - are they from the Mel 9?
(I’m a sucker for the Hammond + guitar combination!)

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You’re on a roll here Darrell. Inspired. :sunglasses:

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Well, this is really something different from me!
I’ve written a song for a friend who has been through the wringer a bit and has just started to get through it. She’s off YouTube and is on Twitch, it’s her birthday shortly so I put this together for her.
The biggest difference from anything I’ve ever done before is that as I can’t sing (and I wanted a female voice anyway) I have used AI software to add the vocals. I inputted the backing track and lyrics into it and this is what came out.
The visuals I put together the same way as my previous songs.


This is simply beautiful Darrell, I listened it on repeat. I loved that picking, goes so nicely with the song. Lyrics is amazing as well. This is really a professional level song.

I can’t believe AI already can “sing” to this level with only backing track. To be honest, I am very scared trying to imagine the world in 10 years.

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You would be really surprised by what it can do, it can actually do this just from word prompts but due to the personal nature of what I wanted it had to be mostly my own input and a simple word command.
My only word input into it was “Use the backing track and lyrics provided to add a Female soft but lyrical voice to create the song, fade out gradually on the final chorus”.
Absolutely amazing and as you say it’s beautiful, it exceeded my expectations such a lot!

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That is simply amazing Darrell. Great music behind the AI vocal. What AI did you use?

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I used one called Suno, it’s free but with restrictions on track time and how much you can do each day - you get credits that would give you about 20 minutes of recording if you got it right first time (which is unlikely) or 4 minutes if you get it right the same day. I’ve only used it for this vocal so far but picked some of my graphics up from the person on The Warning Patreon Discord server who made me aware of it. She uses it a lot and as I can’t sing (she can’t either :grinning:) she said I should give it a try.

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