Back to my roots! Midnight Blues, a Soulful Chicago Blues piece plus something else!

Wow Darrell,
I copy the words from Richard :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: without the last ,question :laughing:
although there may come a time when I need AI for a singing voice too :roll_eyes:

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This is a stunning piece of writing and performance Darrell! The melody and the accompaniment is just superb…and that wooo hooo melodic bit at 2:30 ish wow!

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Amazing. Great production and of course guitar work. But a bit freaky the way AI sings so well.

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Next step in my exploration of what I can do with AI vocals, a short Rock song called Driving into the Night, again it’s my backing track including the lead guitar plus lyrics, the rest is AI - I stretched myself a bit with the lead guitar but am very happy with it!


Hi Darrell,
You deserve the like already in the first seconds :sunglasses:… the aplause for the rest that follows :clap: :clap: :clap:


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Thank you Rogier, I am really enjoying this change in direction, it really has brought back my desire to play again but for the desire of creativity - I think that’s what I’ve got wrong for a big part of my playing career.
AI has given me the freedom to create songs rather than just instrumental pieces, my wife and friends are :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: they hadn’t any idea of what I was doing!

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Well that was awesome. Excuse the slightly stalkerish question, but how are you playing the first lick? This was my best guess …

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That was some smokin guitar, Darrell, great tune! Your use of AI vocals is incredible, I would never have realized they were AI.

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That looks about right, you can tell more by playing it, fact is if I played it again I wouldn’t necessarily play it exactly the same, as mostly I just improvise I very rarely note anything down - as long as I have a recording of it it’s not too difficult to play something like it with the same feel.

Thanks Mari, yes using AI vocals has really opened up a new world for me, it’s so much fun!

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That’s really good, I think your a bit hard on yourself over the repetitiveness you mentioned, if you play what your feeling at the time I think it can only be right if that makes sense.

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Cheers Darrell - I was trying to understand the fingering for the very fast second half of the second bar - it flowed so well I guessed it might be a pet lick.

Great playing and production.

This whole thread is a goldmine of great guitar playing Darrell!! Keep them coming! :metal:

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Thanks very much, yes I intend to do that!
I’ve got a few interesting ideas to try out, both instrumentally and vocally.
Watch this space!

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This is another impulsive thing, I just got this sort of vibe messing around. There’s a very short addition of a male AI vocal in it just for fun!

I’ve got something more ambitious in progress but the guitar parts are pretty difficult; it’s a bit fast for my brain to process :laughing:. It’s coming along but slowly, I’ve been working on it for a couple of weeks already!


Darrell, you are an incredible magician in making your guitar sing as you do :star_struck: (…thanks for adding this update, otherwise I would probably haven’t found this thread and that would have been a huge loss)

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It’s been a long time coming, and it’s been a rocky road but it’s nice to have gotten there at last for me.
I really love to hear that people like what I’m doing now it gives me the will to carry on with it!

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Darrell, this was amazing, very enjoyable. I wish I could see you playing to observe all the details. I am looking forward to listening your big project.

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RE: Lonely River Blues

Great stuff Darrell. The vibe is so cool. :slight_smile:

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Right so it’s time for some fun! I’ve got that really demanding project done to the point where I felt I can unleash it!
Not really my style at all, it’s the sort of thing I don’t mind listening to but playing it is something else! However I took the bull by the horns and had a go.
The hardest part was the guitar parts, there’s a lot of piecing together so if there’s any bits that sound a bit odd that’s why! I am definitely going to have a rest for a few weeks before I look at anything else, I feel mentally and physically exhausted. That said I’m happy that I had a go - don’t know if I will attempt another one but who knows?
It’s called Lost in the Abyss - sort of a bit of a Scifi vibe perhaps - AI vocals as usual with a badass harsh part!