Beginner's Safe Space 2022

Well done Nicole! Both songs were done very well and I think you’re well and truly ready to move on to Grade 2

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Both songs were great Nicole :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: and singing along too :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: take a bow :smiley:

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Nicole, you played both songs really well. Good timing and nice clear notes (no buzzing or slurring notes together). Time for you to move on to G2 :smiley:

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Thanks so much for your positive feedback, Milos. It is very much appreciated :blush:.
By the way, I’ve just googled Noose Heads. It looks like paradise :open_mouth:.

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Good thing we have @davidp to keep an eye on the weary eyed @Richard_close2u and cover his tracks!!!


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RE: Push

Good on you for pushing yourself, and taking a step into the unknown of recording your first play through. Fumbles aside due to unfamiliarity you had a lot of good going on there. Your chord changes were mostly on point and you have developed good finger independence in making the changes. Your strumming hand is steady away. One other aspect of following the app - not often mentioned - is that it forces you to play without looking at your hands, a valuable skill.
Keep it up, good stuff. :slight_smile:

Hi Stephen
RE: That’s Alright Mama
You had some good groovy rhythm going on there, certainly in keeping with the rock n roll vibe. I understand why your own analysis highlights your issues with swapping and changing between the strumming rhythms. You want to eventually aim to use them to help you build and develop the story of your song with judicious use of energy and dynamics at the right moments. Having said that, the whole song is pretty full on and bouncing and doesn’t require a lot of contrast between soft and heavy dynamics.
Good stuff.
Also, kudos for trying to figure out your technical setup, no matter what equipment you are using, making it work best for you is a good thing.

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RE: That’s Alright Mama 4th take (2nd video)

That was a tighter, more focused slice of rhythm guitar. Being conscious of which pattern you are going to play and having a plan for it makes everything hang together better. Bravo.
The wider aspect is good too. There’s lots of discussion on recording setups here.

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Hi Nicole, two good AVOYPs in one post! :slight_smile:

In both, you have steady-groovy, tappy-footy, noddy-heady and sing-a-longy.

RE: The Gambler
Nice changes between thumb on the bass and strumming, and your thumb always finds the correct string for the chord. Bravo.

RE: Last Kiss
More good stuff. One thought. On the G chord you are playing a 2-finger version with fingers 2 and 3. Finger 3 is consistently late to the party in finding its place on the high E string. That is something to set a minute or two aside in practice time and work on simultaneous landing of fingers.

In future modules you will learn alternative versions of that chord - stuck 3&4 G chord and a weak-finger G chord.


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Thanks so much, Richard, for taking the time to watch my AVOYPs :hugs:.
I also appreciate your comment about my 3rd finger being a bit late to find its place in the G chord. I haven’t recognized that yet and will definitely have an eye on it :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Hi Nichole, good playing and singing. Steady rhythm and clean chord changes.


I enjoyed Last Kiss very much. I too practiced that song quite a bit. I was tempted to try that at the community open mic, but chickened out. Nice job.


Thank you Richard. Many positives you’ve listed. I appreciate that.

More positives coming. I can actually hit F barre in some songs now. Particularly from C to F. Working on Am to F.

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Thank you, Andres :hugs:.

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Thank you, Scott. Would have been funny if both of us performed that song at the OM :sweat_smile:.

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Hi Nicole,
Noosa is a nice place to live - it’s where all old musos’ go to die :smile:


@Richard_close2u Thanks for the positive feedback on both videos. Also thanks for the heads up and link to the additional info on video setups.

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I read the rules and, although I know “ideally” doesn’t mean “necessarily”, I’d like to ask if I could post here a video of myself playing a song that’s not in the beginner grades. It was the song through which I got to know Justin on youtube and it was the first song I ever played entirely and recorded. I’ve been playing for a little longer than a year now and alternate between beginner and folk fingerstyle lessons, even though I haven’t been watching too many lessons recently… BTW: the song is “Harvest Moon”, by Neil Young (I could also post a link to my instagram account, where I published it).
Tks in advance!

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Hi Adaltro, @Adaltro
This topic is intended for people who find it exciting to make themselves vulnerable in their own topic and thus draw a lot of attention to themselves, … you already have your own channel where you post videos :sunglasses:, … …so a topic in AVOYP seems more appropriate to me than here…
Kind regards,Rogier


Hi @Adaltro I have just checked your Instagram account and watched Harvest Moon. I think you should be fine posting your own topic in the wider AVOYP area. Click New Topic here:

Yo’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

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