Beginner's safe space

Isn’t recording yourself a great tool?

Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting.

It was great to see them both together Carlos. Your first was a decent effort for the amount of time you had been playing but the second one was great. Full of confidence, nice dynamics and no looking at your fretting hand.

Well done.

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Congratulations on posting your first AVOYP. Its a relief isnt it?

I can see definite improvement between the 2 videos. Much smoother in the latter, and much more confident. This is one of the great things about regularly recording yourself.

Keep doing what your doing Carlos. Sounds like you’re on a good path. All the best.

Cheers, Shane.

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments! It’s a relief to post the first video indeed. I will try and make better recordings in the future. I got good advice here in the community and I will work on that soon.

@CarlosAP Firstly congrats on the maiden post, Carlos. I know how nervy that can be.

I had a quick listen through to the first chorus on the first recording. You were making good progress.

And excellent progress ever since. The second really felt good. Smoother, more fluent, better feel. Just great. I anticipated just listening through to the first chorus again and happily enjoyed your playing for the full song.

Keep on keeping on and post the next in the main sub-category, a new topic. You’ll get more views and helpful comments that way.


Congrats on your first AVOYP Carlos! Well done. Your regular practice is clearly paying off. Good idea to post two videos of the same song so you can see how much you’ve progressed over time. Keep up the great work! :guitar:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: How To Hold Your Guitar

Much better flow in the acoustic version! Great progress :slight_smile:

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Hey guys! Tried recording a video playing and singing for the first time. I picked up a few tutorials of Wasted Years by Iron Maiden and played the first half. It’s still pretty tricky to remember the lyrics, chord changes and keep the rhythym on top of all that, but it feels more feasible than when I was in grade 1 for sure. I don’t think it’s fleshed out enought to post in a topic of its own but hopefully I’ll make it better in the future!


A good effort there João. It’s not easy when you first start off playing and singing but keep at it and it all starts to come together. Nice vocals though and apart from a few pauses your playing as good too.

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Good job on this song. This is a great song ,and keep practicing your cord transitions will get much smoother. Also it’s a song you can grow with when you get to more difficult cords that the band uses.

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That’s an all around solid effort Joao, nice one. Yes some pauses with some of the changes as your brain’s processing strumming, chord changes and singing, it ain’t easy!! But this is a good foundation to build on for sure and well done for posting it. Keep at it!
:heartbeat: :guitar:

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Good job João! It seems you are improving a lot in different areas. I’m sure you will nail this song very soon :metal:

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Hi William,

Great I say. Really nice vocal mate :+1: and lovely relaxed and pleasant strum and chord changes. I really liked it and if I walked past you playing I’d have happily stopped to listed for sure, if that helps. Great work mate. :ok_hand:

Thanks buddy, I appreciate your kind words!

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OK, so, ehm, I kinda did it? I recorded myself for the first time, and I’m sweating buckets posting it, but as folks say on tumblr: ‘Do it scared if you have to’, and I think that is excellent advice. It was a journey and a half to find an app to record with on my tablet, and get the mic to pick up at least some of my playing, and it’s not the best quality, but I hope it works regardless.

I hope you don’t mind that it’s a German song; it’s what I’m most comfortable with atm. There are also a few moments where I’m squabbling with the chords, and I could have recorded other tries until I got it right, but I believe firmly that mistakes are part of learning, and therefore I’m leaving it as is.

I appreciate encouragement and honest feedback, especially if you notice problems in my posture or pick manipulation, or any of the other myriad things that are difficult to notice when you’re learning by yourself. I also appreciate tips to figure out breathing while singing, because I noticed while recording that it is difficult for me. I’m thinking maybe get a strap and practice standing up might help? Anyway, here it is:


Hi Eva,
Your first video :partying_face: :sunglasses: :clap:
Congratulations that’s a big thing…as you’ve noticed in your mind :smile:

Nicely done and there is a lot to like, and for singing in German you get extra points for it as far as I’m concerned :sunglasses:



Definitely noticed that, yes :laughing:

Thank you so much for your encouraging words! :sunflower: I think I’m gonna start recording myself regularly now, just for myself, because I saw a lot of things to improve on, and hopefully I get more comfortable with it by repeated exposure.

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Don`t think it… do it :smiley: :smile: (I’m saying this especially for others who read this, you already figured it out :wink:)
You have taken a very important step and you realize why you are doing this :sunglasses:, just yesterday I thought I had finally mastered the rhythm guitar from The Joker (justins lesson) with the hammers on and smooth touch of the strings with the pick, and then I kicked I turned on my looper and listened to it again…CUGH…that pick again …I’ll practice some more :roll_eyes:


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Hi Eva!
Really well done on your first recording and your playing. And you’re even able to sing along already! It’s evident that you put a huge amount of practice into it. Especially combining a proper strumming pattern with singing is not easy. Lots of respect for mastering this in just four months! :+1:


Hello Eva,

Congratulations on you first AVOYP! Good feeling to get that first one done, isn’t it ?
Lots of good stuff there to build on. Good rhythm feel too which is super important.
All the best.

Cheers, Shane

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