Blues Immersion - I'm in for BLIM - yay - who else is BLIMing?

Iā€™m in. Been looking forward to this for quite some time. This should certainly help with my focus on my practice schedule :sunglasses::+1:t2::+1:t2:


I guess the forumā€™s gonna be immersed in blues for the next few months. Bring it onā€¦


Hopefully not too long before the forum sections are open - Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one into the prep module already, wanting to chat and ask questions :smiley: And share that beforehand blues solo recordingā€¦


I feel like a kid watching grown ups doing grown ups stuff :rofl:


Yeah but weā€™re all kids at heart. :rofl:


This prep module, the 54, 51 and 53 minute lessons had me getting ready to make a coffee and sit down for the long haulā€¦ turns out those were supposed to be seconds and the lesson runtime in the sidebar is wrong :rofl:.

About as accurate as my transcribingā€¦




Man I put them hold for a relaxing afternoon, could have boxed them off an hour ago. :rofl:

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Just signed up! Hope I can make it past the first 30 days :joy:

Iā€™m unsure how ready I am, TBH. After about 2/3rds of grade 3, I took a year long detour into PMT, fingerstyle and classical music, via JG and another website. I also jumped around and did bits and pieces of grade 4, I feel my technique and playing has improved a lot but transcribing, bending strings, vibrato, and knowing what notes to play while soloing over my own chord loops are my weak spots. For the past month or two Iā€™ve been listening to Blues, playing finger style acoustic blues, trying to get my head in the game. Fingers crossed!

Question: I see BLIM Units 2-5 cover scale patterns 2-5 ā€” is it important to know those patterns before BLIM starts or will that be covered in each Unit? They arenā€™t covered in Grade 3 or 4, afaik?


Well Hec here I couldnā€™t resist so Iā€™m here and out comes the 36 year old Strat I hardly played all those years ago :worried:


No. In the preparation videos, Justin will tell you to revise pattern 1 and that we will learn the other patterns when the time comes in the course. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah Hec ! Strat loves the blues. Time to make that guitar sing :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

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Checking out some tomorrow, probably another Tele style.

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You are not alone :sunglasses::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::joy::joy:

I think you are more than ready enough.


Iā€™m in. Working on that transcriptionā€¦

(photo of me, my Heritage, and my sunglasses sliding down my nose)


Well I could make it sing when I was twenty ish math so , I doubt ill top it now but ill try Iā€™m 64 now so last chance :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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excuse my typing I meant I could not make it sing so no doubt I will still struggle anyway ill try cheers Hec

The good thing about blues is that it doesnā€™t have to be crazy fast. Some slow blues are really fun.

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Iā€™m in, totally stoked!