Blues Immersion - Justin mentioned a blues course starting in June - could we please have some more info on that?

Hi Mathieu
Yes, I also think you are right, but the repeated dedication that Justin mentions and some aspects of the course reminded me a little too much of school :hot_face:, :smile:so I will wait a little longer before I commit myself to something for six months,

But but but I will go here definitely get around to it :sunglasses:


Maybe a bit of dublin blues for you my mucker


I wish I were just a little further along in my guitar learning journey. I don’t feel confident that I am quite ready for the in-depth blues study that this course will apparently be. Perhaps down the road for me. I wish all who are taking the course a successful and beneficial experience.

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I hope all of you taking the plunge have a great experience. I was sorely tempted, but feel like I would be piling more new things on my plate, rather than actually honing the lessons I have gone through but not perfected. I am trying to avoid treating this journey as a sprint, and not really learning. So I will stick to my marathon training schedule and see you all when you come up for air. The FOMO is real though I will tell you.

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Ah yes, I came across this emerald after watching the Guy Clark documentary.
Country/americana though, innit? :wink:

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I find myself in the same place as @philsmith. I’m sure I would love the Blues Immersion experience, but have concluded that I am too new at this guitar thing to jump in that deep and quickly. I plan to focus on becoming a more capable player in general while following the course as a spectator. I hope Blues Immersion is as successful as Justin’s enthusiasm can make it, and that a whole bunch of us students will encourage him to reprise the course next year.

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