Blues Immersion - Justin mentioned a blues course starting in June - could we please have some more info on that?

Thanks for the heads up Jenn, I’m signed up and happy. Don’t forget the Blues underpins everything, so learning the language applies to pretty much to all of the rock soloing that followed and not only rock. Simples !


@brianlarsen as I said to Jenn the Blues underpins so many genres, so don’t discount it too quickly, just think of the Blues Rock of someone like Rory Gallagher or even Angus. :thinking:

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Luka thanks for the DM, I had an early night and was sparko when that would have landed. My assumption from the blurb was that the doors would be opened at the Live Club this evening and close at 2359 on the 11th. Was not expecting midnight at the oasis or would have stayed up for the launch but all is good, I’m in.


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Totally agree :smiling_face:

I’ve been working on the Blues lessons on the website and loving it! It’s really amped up my enthusiasm for playing/learning guitar and I thought it was already maxed at capacity TBH :laughing:
There’s more than enough there to keep me going for a while and I don’t think my skill level is high enough for BLIM yet. Maybe if Justin runs the course again we could do it at the same time @NicoleKKB :slightly_smiling_face:

So loving all the buzz and excitement with BLIM though, it’s going to be amazing and fun for you guys. Also looking forward to updates and hearing results :star_struck: :sunglasses: :sunflower:

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:+1::star_struck: Absolutely :smiley:


Hello guys really need some advice about this, I’m torn between joining or leaving it for another time, I’m not at the suggested level yet, I’m only finishsing level 1, so I understand I’m not there yet but I would really love to do this course as the blues is the music I love and want to play.
Do I sign up and do what I can and then keep going using the lifetime access or do I wait until I’m a bit more nearer the skill level required?
As this is the first 1 I think it will be great and unique, also there is no guarentee it will be re run again.

Any advice from you more experienced players would be great.
I really want to sign up---- just not sure???


I very much relate to both of your statements :blush:.
I love the enthousiasm around here and at the same time it makes me a bit wistful. Some major health issues and a resulting chronical fatigue slowed down my progress a lot within the last months and I still haven’t started the intermediate Blues Lessons. Therefore, no way to sign up, as I couldn’t keep up a intense paced course anyway.
I wish you all lots of fun, have a great time and enjoy the trip :blush:!


Hi Chris

This should be the first of further classes, so as you are just completing Grade 1 I’d strongly suggest waiting. There will be a lot of skills and techniques in use that you are yet to discover. If you start to struggle you will become demoralised and that could actually lead to jacking in the guitar completely. This is a common problem that folks that try running before walking. You still need a shed load of foundation skills to be at the level to undertake this course. This may sound harsh but look at it more like tough love. I am well down the road from where you are now and thought long and hard about my skill sets being adequate for BLIM and spent quite a bit of time reviewing stuff I have done in the past.

So for now bide your time build a strong and deep foundation following the 3 beginner grades and acquire some chops. You will then be well and truly ready, especially if you have dipped you toes into Grade 4.

Just MHO and your mileage may vary.



I’m really sorry to hear that, Andrea :pensive:. I hope, that you’ll overcome your health problems soon :pray:. Maybe, you can be part of the next BLIM course :blush:.
Gute Besserung!!


Thanks Toby you’ve just confirmed what I was already thinking, just well disapointed as this course seems perfect.

I just need to work hard on aquireing the skills and then dive in another time.

Cheers and all the best with the course.
Chris :+1:


Sorry to hear that Andrea and understand how difficult chronic fatigue is as a condition and its impact on daily life. Take care and look after yourself. :sunglasses:


@21Frets Seconding this. And you don’t have to be disappointed because grade 2,3 and 4 have all some cool blues things to learn. Until you are ready for the big BIM.


Advice already provided here

Hi everyone who will start this soon, I now have the feeling that I am missing a party, :blush: but of course I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

I will instantly when the videos are for sale and the “mandatory” study material can be circumvented a bit and I can take the course without any time pressure join the ship. :blush:

Have a nice time :sunglasses:


@TheMadman_tobyjenner @NicoleKKB Thank you, I’m going to take one step after another :wink:!


I understood, that all videos and materials will be exclusively for the class and won’t be available for sale later?

Hope you feel better soon Andrea :hugs: :tulip:

That would be awesome :smiling_face: :sunflower:
Seems like there will be another after this one :slightly_smiling_face:


Rogier, I understand that some aspects of the course can make us feel a little more pressured or rushed. For instance, the 1 unit per month and the homework/essays. But, I think that the main goal of that is simply to make the course more interactive.

Since we have lifetime access to the course, we can choose to do it at our own pace. We choose our own deadlines. We can set our own success criteria. 1 unit every 3 months, who cares ?:smile:

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Hi Andrea,
That is indeed what it says now, but I would be very surprised if the videos are not ultimately for sale, which would be commercially smart with a significant disclaimer (or financial discount) because Justin is no longer seeing personally your work,But you can’t go wrong with did Forum as a backup :sunglasses:… otherwise I will register later for the next time and I will also have access to the lessons and I can do everything in my own way/pace, etc. For now I didn’t want to do that because I didn’t want to take anyone’s place…



My very best wishes for a speedy and thorough recovery Andrea, thinking of you :four_leaf_clover: :slightly_smiling_face:

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