Boom Bass with Licks

Boom Bass with Licks is a game-changing technique for solo Blues guitar. It combines a steady bassline with lead licks to create a full, rich sound — perfect for solo playing without a band. Learn it as an arrangement, then use it for your improvisation.


You read my mind by creating this, Justin; thank you! I will utilize this and give feedback. Thanks again for making the lessons for mixing lead and rhythm, I’m so excited!


Great lesson. Justin better than ever.


Great, but are you rushing or are you dragging? :slight_smile:

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This is great stuff, thank you. Is there anyway to add a count-in bar to beginning and at beginning of sections please?


Hi Lynne,
That is a good comment glad you ask :sunglasses:

I have the habit of playing with the intro demonstration of Justin’s song video’s as soon as possible, and more that once they start in direct after I click on de space bar . I didn’t want to ask because it may be useful for me later (i just join in a little later with lick or bar 2 …is also a good skill that I need to master with every song :grin:)

But it would make life a little easier :sweat_smile:


Now I think it doesn’t work well with the Matchmysound thing (I don’t use that), but if you’re talking about the video alone you can right-click in the video to “loop” go to the end seconds and find your amount of seconds you need to preparation… just discovered :smile:…for the most people I think it is not perfect, but it works for me .

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I will pass on your request.

Another vote for count-in bars. Otherwise I’m going to have to grow a third hand.

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Hi all.
RE: count in bars.
This request has been noted. It is not a feature that the JG team can add. Doing so - if possible - will rely on the 3rd party.

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Maybe worth noting that it is a feature when you record, just not an option when you play. so just keep recording your practice sessions :wink:

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Hi Richard! First of all THIS IS INCREDIBLE! My timing has improved tremendously in the past couple months and I thought I’d never play anything like this but I jumped in immediately when I opened the newsletter; I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS AND I’m so excited!!!

I’ve almost learned the last 12 bars but I am little confused; does the tab line up in the photo with exactly what Justin is playing here towards the end? Please check it and let me know. This lesson is better than anything I have done so far!!! Thank you Justin and team! (Today’s BLIM Masterclass was also an amazing eye opener on the same subject! I have struggled with using a metronome because I always assumed if I can’t hear it I’m doing it wrong but today taught that’s exactly what I want! :exploding_head:)


I’m not @Richard_close2u , but it seems to me he’s playing it as tabbed. What is your confusion?

Btw, I did notice that when he demos the piece at the beginning he seems to add a bass note or two (on 4th string) in this bar. It’s pretty soft and probably not intentional.

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What you see in Justin’s tab for the bar of B7 is a 1/4 note, a 1/4 rest, then the chords and the rest between have duration of 1/8 each. In the bar of A7 everything is 1/8 including the rest at the start of the bar.
Kevin, I have re written the TAB so that everything is notated in 8ths. This should allow you to see the placement of each note / chord in relation to a count of 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &. It does mean that the first note and the first rest in the B7 bar has to be written as two tied 8ths.
In the background I have added a hi-hat drum playing 8ths to give the steady pulse.
I have reduced the tempo to 70 bpm.

I hope that helps.


Okay, Richard it’s correct then. I was hearing something different and seeing something that was more bass end but I’m not seeing/hearing it correctly then. Thanks!

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Hey Richard - it never ceases to amaze me the amount of effort you put into this community and the free help and advice you offer - often going the extra mile with customiaed resources like the above.

Just wanted to express my gratitude!


I’m really enjoying learning this one and its a great lesson.

I’m finding that I naturally look to do a pull-off in several places where Justin (and the tab) shows seperately picked notes (mainly when going from fret 2 to open under my middle finder). I can make myself pick the individual notes if I concentrate on it, but was wondering if there was any learning, technique or sound benefit in doing this? Or just play it as it feels natural as long as its in time?

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Hi Richard,
Am I to understand that the makers of MatchMySound never thought to incorporate a count-in option for the Play function? Seems like an oversight.

I’m probably missing something obvious, but how is one meant to click the green PLAY arrow and then get their hand back to the strings in the fraction of a second before the first beat?

EDIT: OK, the RECORD function has a count-in, so you can play along with that while learning the track and ignore your score.

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I can’t speak for them - sorry. I’m just passing on a message from the JG team. :slight_smile:

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Looking at their help centre it looks like they do have it and it’s just an application setting that needs ticked.


Thanks James. Hopefully an easy fix for the Admin team.

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