Brian Larsen - October 2022 - 6.45 (Firewater) + Laissez Faire (David Ackles) + My Sister's Tiny Hands (Handsome Family) + In The Dutch Mountains (The Nits)

Another one from Brian’s eclectic electric campfire. :fire:

I always enjoy your performances. Just laid back skillful guitar playing and a good song.

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Seems as you needed a little pinch of darkness in your musical work (maybe to create some counterweight to your always appearing good spirtits? :slightly_smiling_face:)
I agree to others, this song suits your voice, always enjoy your relaxed strumming and singing, even when the text is depressing. You transfer kind of an easy going lightness attitude in your performances. The fat smile at the end of every tune will become your trademark :cowboy_hat_face:

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Much appreciated @jkahn :smiley:
I’m coming towards the end of a ‘productive’ streak :laughing:

Vielen Dank, @Helen0609
:dark_sunglasses: :new_moon: :dark_sunglasses: :new_moon::dark_sunglasses: :new_moon:
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Not sure how I missed this one, I must have thought it was someone writing a post on behalf of their sister about their struggles to play guitar with tiny hands and figured someone’s already given them good advice.

Once again you pluck a song out of obscurity and make it popular within the community. Another fine performance, played and sung really well.

As for @roger_holland little remark about your photo, I thought you looked like an intellectual poet in the photo, which may explain the creativity in your performances.

and hopefully entering the start of a new ‘productive’ streak.

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James ,…forgive me if I misunderstand you,…but do you know that that picture is not Brian?


Edit:I had to look 3 times myself and thought for a moment that this might be the younger version in other times,…and I’m sure I (you?) am not the only one,… :laughing:


Hi Rogier, yeah I noticed that when I googled the handsome family. It’s Brian’s doppelganger or is it the other way around. But then again how do we know Brian’s real name isn’t Brett Sparks or Brett Sparks real name isn’t Brian Larsen :thinking:


Enough with the Spark plugs !
Here’s a cover for Little Hands, please give to your sister.


Keep yo’ filthy paws off mah sistuh, Monsieur Croissant!
The only acceptable oven gloves are Joy Division ones from local heroes Half Man Half Biscuit, (off the album Achtung Bono! :laughing:)

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@Socio Sometimes it’s good to arrive late-
I hear at the Cana bash, they served all the good grog towards the end :smiley:
Cheers for the listen and humorous comments :smiley:

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Well they do says it’s best to be fashionably late to the party.

Maybe this is the younger version that popped up on my YouTube feed after watching the 2022 version


Another fine one Brian, really nice performance and your groove as always is impeccable! Well done and all the best!

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Cheers for the listen and thumbs up, Ade :smiley:

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Ahhhh, what we do in the shadows.

Wonderful, yet again Brian. I thought that was a great song.

The Trio+ holding you back, time to move on to something that will set you free, though I’m not sure what that might be.

Hi Brian,

I’d never heard of the Handsome Band - I had to do a double take. :slight_smile:
You’ve nailed it - vocal, playing, face. Lol

Indeed, dark tones; and why not - it’s that time of year - dark and dreary.

Top performance.


Three songs in just over a week; that’s over-egging the pudding, isn’t it? :thinking:
This is a fun 80’s song I used to enjoy on MTV in my college years.
There’s a driving, monotonous quality to the original with some quirky lyrics that I was never too sure whether I liked or not.
I added a pushed G chord to the verses and altered the lyrics of the bridge to make it more interesting for me (Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental :man_in_manual_wheelchair: :wink:)
Well, now I’m going to have to find something else for the next OM, eh?


Very nice. You make it look so easy. Great singing too. As a Dutchy I like the song as well.

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Unbelievable, a song I know, this time not a song of the “100 songs nowbody has ever heard of” list :joy:.
Cool rhythm, well sung.

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Quite believable … I’ve never heard of The Nits nor this song and wasn’t watching MTV in my varsity days ('83-'86).

Quite egstraordinarily prolific roll you are on, Brian. I’ll keep eating your pudding.

Really admire the way you can strum with your finger-tips the way you do. Fine treatment of the outro, which I thought may have been your flair but see it was as per the original.

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Hi Brian,
:joy: :rofl: :joy:
Even now I’m still chuckling a bit… :blush:

A wonderful performance and a real foot tapping song,and certainly that driving monotome has stayed (What makes/is the whole song ) :man_bowing: :bouquet: :sunglasses: :clap:… , We going to listen to this again tonight … never understood what this song was about in my youth (we don’t really have mountains), and very soon we guys came up with other ideas about the mountains in this song :innocent:,… :wavy_dash: :wheelchair:

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Always good to get the local’s seal of approval :smiley:

The trick is to simplify everything and then practice that until you’re comfortable with it. Once you can strum it and sing along, you can then start smiling, winking, changing the phrasing etc.
None of this comes naturally to me and I have to practice most of my ‘naturalness’ or spontaneity :roll_eyes:

I do believe this will be better known with our European members, especially of a ‘certain age’ :wink:
I’ll have to revert before I become type-cast :rofl:

@DavidP Cheers mate :smiley:
… and I admire the way everyone else can strum with a pick :roll_eyes:
It seems the grass really is greener… in the Dutch mountains :laughing:
Yes, I usually try to keep within the spirit of the original, whilst happily making ‘alterations’.
I didn’t spend much time trying to get their outro nailed, so substituted the word yodel and went with that :smiley:

Ah, @roger_holland
I did have a slight hesitation, wondering if I was overstepping boundaries or slipping into political incorrectness, but you just seemed to fit in better than the original…
Glad you liked it :innocent:
I presume the lyrics were supposed to be surreal (or chemically-influenced), but it can be hard to tell when you foreigners communicate outside your mother tongue :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: