Bruce Springsteen - wreck on the highway

Thank you James. I do wonder sometimes if I am progressing or if I have stagnated so it’s good to hear that from you. As always thanks for checking it out.

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Hey Eddie, I know what you mean. I sometimes think its like when people that don’t see you regularly can tell straight away whether you’ve lost or gained weight. Having not seen you play every day I can tell you mate that you have grown as a performer.

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Thank you James. I always appreciate your continued encouragement and support :+1:.

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Eddie, enjoyed your relaxed performance. I wasn’t familiar with the song, but your voice and playing really have the vibe of an unplugged Bruce Springsteen in a casual setting. I like how precise your strumming is in the song. It sounds great.

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Thanks so much Steve. I am really glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate you taking the time to listen and to comment.

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Wow Eddie really solid performance! I was missing your covers in my life, glad to catch up with your latest one! :slight_smile: all the best!

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Cheers Adrian. My covers are pretty simplistic when I see what others can do , you being a perfect example . For now though I am happy just progressing along on my journey at my own pace. I am in no rush but maybe one day I will develop some of the skills that you possess. Thanks again for the listen and I always appreciate your support and encouragement.

Nice job Eddie, consistent, smooth and just enjoyable.

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Thanks so much Mike. I am glad you enjoyed it and thanks for checking it out.