Can we discuss the quality of feedback on recordings? IMHO it has become too positive

What is OP James? :see_no_evil:


Original Poster

Of course! :see_no_evil::roll_eyes:

Hi James,

Yes terrible, not so long ago Justin said “I was sitting in my car this morning and thought hey I should do this song” and it was not a grade 1 level :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

I’ll just have to look it up and learn how to play again :smile:

Hi @tRONd Not really awake yet, hey :rofl:

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Very much awake @roger_holland
Things just turns slowly upstairs, very slowly :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Hmm … you can always give feedback and say something to the extent of “just think how great the song would sound after more hours of practice”. :grinning:

That’s what I did recently with slightly different words, hoping it would cause motivation to work on the song. I do think that if someone gets such positive encouragement a lot, maybe they will stay focused more on one song.

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Comparing Justin’s ability to learn a pop or rock song in a few hours is not the same as someone who is a beginner.
I can sit down with someone I’ve never met and play songs I’ve never heard before with in few minutes. Most POP, Rock, Country, Blues etc have a basic format to follow. The trick is knowing the format.

Errr Rick,
Sorry but it was a joke … to keep things a bit light


Hi People,
I still have something to say, I was hoping someone else would do it, but well I go.
I completely understand that you give up if you give the same people good and often simple tips to implement countless times and if they don’t listen you stop giving the same tips…( I also think the comparison with children given gifts is wrong here , because after giving a pink car 10 times and it is put in the corner, you hopefully stop buying when the kid ask another one ).
So I understand that you stop encouraging or celebration cheering or whatever, but to call here that we should all do that for the sake of that person Rick is not in the right spirit or this community…
Greetings and I hope that my comment, said with a friendly face, comes across as such


Absolutely. I think it’s more to do with the extent of the feedback. I really want to provide feedback that can make a difference rather than giving feedback that I know if more time was spent learning the song I wouldn’t need to give that feedback. And I don’t mind repeating feedback on issues I can see that someone is struggling with (even repeating in a different way) hoping that I’ll soon be celebrating with them on a future recording overcoming that issue. Where I was coming from was that the quality of feedback given is also related in a way to the effort put into learning a song by the player and what that player is going to get out of the feedback given.

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I like the AVOYP section just the way it is, a lot of nice feedbacks and some constructive feedback. I too, take all the tips and constructive feedback to heart. some i spend a lot of time try to learn or implement. some tips i just find to difficult and have to put them aside for time being.
That said. I really hope the AVOYP section can stay and continue they way it is now, to me there is nothing that is too positive the way i see it.
It is this section that makes me want to come back to the forum every day, and it is this section that makes this forum so unique.
It is a great mix between very skilled musicians and the very new players, and i cant see anything wrong throwing out some positive vibes along the way. to whoever crosses by with an recording.


Point taken but I disagree. If a person makes the same mistakes over and over and 20 people tell them how wonderful their playing is this person will never get better and it could be bad for their ego.
If these same 20 people were to be honest with this person and that person blows them off or make excuses for why they play so badly and everyone stopped telling them how wonderful their playing is they just might get the idea maybe they need more practice.

I agree good vibes are all well and good when deserved but that’s not what this is about.

This is what started the whole debate.
Toxic positivity is the pressure to only display positive emotions, suppressing any negative emotions, feelings, reactions, or experiences. It invalidates human experience and can lead to trauma, isolation, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Maybe the AVOYP hasn’t quite reached that level yet but it is heading in that direction.


Hi Rick,
We are closer to each other than some will think with our opinion…I was only a bit “scared” by what we call a “cordon sanitaire” here in the low lands …

And then we actually come back to JK’s point, as far as I’m concerned of ‘can we just a little less jubilant clapping cheer for the sake of chearing’ and push the people slightly more clearly the right direction (in our opinion right direction??)…

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I understand what you mean and how that can be frustrating. Perhaps in such cases detailed feedback is indeed not warranted.

Fact remains however that people post videos for different reasons. Maybe some don’t even really want in-depth feedback or hints, where weaknesses may be. Perhaps something sounds and feels really good in their ears and they are proudly publishing a video even after practicing only a short time. Then even constructive feedback revealing unknown mistakes can potentially be devastating. People are different and given that this all happens virtually only it’s difficult to “really” get to know community members. So it’s a balance act in some way…

I don’t know what’s the best solution here, because ideally both investing into giving feedback and taking learnings from given feedback should pay off.



I think you made some great points there, Nicole. It absolutely is a balancing act. I want to help people where I can but not destroy anyones soul in the process. The best solution I can see is to give helpful feedback in a really nice way where specifically requested by the poster. It would also be good where people are looking for feedback to remind those listening where they are in the learning process to help those given the feedback to tailor it to the poster playgrade.

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I agree. If and how that can be achieved is a different question entirely.

Then people with low or no self esteem should put up some kind of warning. It not the communities responsibility to boost egos or walk on cornflakes because it might hurt someones feelings.

We’re also getting off track again. This thread isn’t about hurting peoples feeling are crushing their dreams.

Love this quote Rick, couldn’t put it in words better even if I really tried to! :beers:

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I don’t think you necessarily need to find your own voice, it is something you should do to maximize your creativity and to fully express yourself. It doesn’t need to be a singular path. You can play songs by rote according to the recording or courseware, or you can find a way to put your own stamp on it. It’s analogous to cooking without following a recipe exactly. Add your own spice and flavorings.

This is a great point. And one I’ll take to heart personally (the not feeling guilty bit).

Yeah, stitch, that’s what I meant in the first post but you said it better. Unwarranted overwhelming praise causes a cognitive dissonance in the receiver - even if they were trying, they tend to know it’s not right. Something is off between what they’re experiencing vs what they’re receiving in feedback.

It also sets the culture off incorrectly for people. “Oh, is this a place we only say positive things even when something is objectively bad?”, newcomers think. If I was concerned about that, when I’ve been around almost 2 years, you can bet it influences them too.

I agree it’s not reached that level yet but appears/appeared to be heading towards it (hence my post).

I completely agree with throwing out positive vibes (hell, I love them, don’t we all). Just so long as they’re honest, and not done because it’s just the done thing.

It’s a guitar learning forum, feedback should be assumed. If they don’t want feedback they shouldn’t post on the internet, and we shouldn’t go through life worried about offending someone for basic things like learning guitar. If someone is going to be devastated by well-intentioned, encouraging and honest feedback they should think twice about posting.

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