Carol of the Bells

Hi. Getting myself familiar with the Community.
So, it’s my first real recording of the full piece and I struggled with it a lot. Both parts are relatively easy, but the main trick was to record them both with the metronome and combine then. Almost never played with it before and now I know where to improve.
And maybe someone could suggest handy mobile software to edit audio, 'cause basic voice recorder and fist app from the market to blend tracks aren’t the best.
Now I only have an Android phone, that’s it.


Welcome to the community, Artem.
What a great debut post :grinning:
That was excellent!
I’m not great on mobiles, but I’m sure someone with relevant knowledge will be along with helpful advice soon enough :wink:

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That was really good Artem. You are certainly off to a great start. Welcome to the community and look forward hearing more from you! :sunglasses:

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Thanks. But unfortunately I won’t post anything new anytime soon, cause I don’t have too much time to play in the army and things are unlikely to change in the near future.

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Thank you.
I won’t say that it was excellent but definitely fun (as well as frustrating sometimes) and very useful. A lot to improve but it’s really awesome to hear an actual piece of music that you’ve made and that was my first experience in “recording” and “mixing” (if you can say that about the way I did it).

Hang in there Artem. I really hope things change soon and the tough times you are going through in Ukraine come to an end quickly! Stay strong!


I will. Music is a wonderful thing, never lets me be upset.


Sounding great Artem. Look into Garageband if you’ve got an iPhone.

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Roland Zenbeats is an interesting free DAW for iPhone and Android (and has a Windows and Mac version too).

It’s quite heavily focused on sequencing, but it can also be used as a traditional track recording and mixing tool



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Welcome to the Community, Artem. That was a most enjoyable debut AVOYP. I think you did well in all respects, playing the tracks, recording quality and mixing together.

To add to what JK and Magik shared, it may be useful to share a rundown of what you have to use, phones, tablets, laptop, PC plus the operating systems.

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Thank you. I’m glad that you liked it.
This is a good point, I’ll add info to the post.

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Artem, I did a quick Google and see there are lots of options. Here’s one site that lists a few: Best DAW for Android: Our Top Picks

I have no personal experience in producing anything more than a simple video with my phone, no multi-tracking and mixing. So can’t offer any suggestions from personal experience.

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HI Artem,
Nice :sunglasses: :clap:
And welcome here ,…

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Welcome to the Community Artem and what a great debut AVoYP. I’m impressed that you’ve got multitrack going using just a phone!

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Hello Artem, and a warm Welcome to the community :hugs:.
That was a very enjoyable AVOYP :star_struck:. Congratulations - what a great performance :clap::smiley::+1:.

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Congratulations on your first AVOYP posting.

That was some nice playing Artem of one of my favourite Christmas carols.

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Welcome to the community Artem
That sounds really fab!

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