The Unbelievable Story of the Carol of the Bells

Hello everyone!
Yesterday YouTube suggested to me the recent video from 12Tone about the history of one of the most popular Christmas songs Carol of the Bells or, originally, Shchedryk. Great video with a very well done research, interesting facts and just a great watch.

And I’m shamelessly putting my first ever post with the recording of this song here. :grin:
Doesn’t feel like it was almost 2 years ago at all. And I’m very happy that I discovered this community.


that’s an amazing history behind this song

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Cool story, i had no idea how it was written. I really like 12Tone, he has cool videos.

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Hi Artem,

my sister told me a little bit about it some time ago, she’s a professional singer. I’ll watch the video when our christmas “stress” is a bit lower. I enjoyed your playing, great job from almost two years ago!

I always hope the best for you and your dearest,


Thanks, Dominique. Wish all the best for you too.
As for the video, it’s not christmassy at all, more of a history and music theory stuff.

I really enjoyed that Artem, in fact that much I will be watching it again Cheers Hec

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