Clocks- Coldplay cover, first recording with an electrical guitar

@roger_holland is welcome too put almost whatever pictures he wants in my threads Brian :rofl: almost…

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I enjoyed the music and the “tone” of the words. The only thing I did not like was the voice did not “sing out”. I could not follow the song at all. I have never heard this song before so I could not understand the what the song was about. I did, however, enjoy the performance. It was worth my time, Keep working on that and sing like you are i in the shower and no one is listening. :wink:

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Dude! That was awesome! :clap: :smiley: Bad Trond for not sharing sooner! :angry: :rofl:
Such a cool, melancholic vibe. Lots of emotion expressed in it again, you convey that so well in your songs :sunglasses:
In saying that, I had wondered if Tuva’s hard rocking stylings might have rubbed off on you?! :metal: But not quite yet eh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hi Jeff!
Thanks a lot for listening. Much appreciated :pray:
Tuva outrocks and outplays me with ease :rofl:
I stand no chance im keeping up, so i might as well just go slow :rofl:
Stumbled over James Hetfield on youtube doing some stuff with just an acoustic… awsome, pure magic. So i guess you can be a rocker, but going a bit slow :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Thanks for watching and youre feedback Lee. Much appreciated :pray:

what a great sound tRONd just loving the beautiful mellow sound on that, nice one :+1:

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Hey Trond!
Very cool laid back vibe of a song I’m not familiar with but really, really enjoyed listening to! Great tone from the LP & your amp! I’m super impressed with the evenness of the finger picking on the electric, so hard to get that down adding just the right amount of dynamics & you nailed it! Congratulations on a beautiful piece that I’m about to listen to again!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!


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Thanks a lot for youre kind words @CD02 and @CATMAN62
Really appreciate that youre taking time watching and commenting… it is a bit harder to get a clean sound fingerpicking an electric, it needs for you to be quite gentle. But it gives out a pretty awsome sound when it is played gentle :grin:

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Is this a Bob Dylan moment I wonder? :thinking:

Trond, that was excellent. I really enjoyed your take on the song and great to see you mixing it up a bit with and electric. I do hope this isn’t that last we see of you on such a fine instrument?

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Hehehehe… not sure about that Stefan :smile: I do have a few ideas for some songs on electrical. but i have to admit that i very much prefer acoustic, but it is fun when you finally find a sound that you like, but it is not my cup of tea to tweek around on an amp to find the right noice :rofl:
i also find it very very difficult to strum an electrical guitar and sing. there is something with the sound that is not right. acoustic kind of covers up a whole lot more in the soundpicture imho. but an electrical fingerplucked can sound pretty nice…
thanks for watching and commenting Stefan, very much appreciated…

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