Hello Community! There’s no need to write much here, as the video already contains a lot of information; it’s a collection of clips and thoughts to document the learning process of my dreamer song.
For those who won’t have the time, or won’t be interested, the final clip is about at 12.54
Thanks in advance to all those that will let me know their thoughts about this, criticism welcome, but be kind and don’t wake me up…because I’m still dreaming
This is taking aaageeeees…and someone might be wondering " why is she persisting in something that is sooo much more than she can chew?!" …the answer is simple: it gives me joy …eh…
Silvia that was really some impressive video you did of your journey with your dreamer song, well done! I always wish to do a similar thing but never seem to remember to record my practice session, especially those that are sort of a milestones
You are definitely very persistent in your road of achieving perfection to your own ears. To mine you sound absolutely fine, really love the arrangement and I am full of admiration that you even try to sing along to a piece with so many complicated shapes and changes. Hats off for that effort!
I hope you are not feeling frustration or anything, but if you do it is okay to put a song on a bench and try something else just remember that Thanks for a very interesting share!
This is one of those videos I’d recommend making time and watching from start to finish as it is very inspirational. I thought your determination was remarkable and will drive you to succeed in whatever goals you set yourself. As often pointed out on here singing while fingerpicking it very challenging, even more so when you’re playing the melody. Bravo.
Well, i have to admit a did quite enjoy that journey.! Like was allready said, truly inspirational!! And like alot of the picking style songs, especially for us beginners, takes a bit a tine to master!!! I did this for Good Riddence, Time of your life!!! When i was greener than green could be!!! But stuck through and wanted that song soooooo bad, i did!! One i will probably post at same time! Keep up the good work!!
Wow Silvia. That was a truly wonderful and magical journey you brought us through. I really admire your determination and perseverance to achieve your goal. Thanks so much for sharing! Take a massive bow and then another one!
I set out to skim through the video but ended up watching it through. Very impressive video log of your journey with this very good song. You’re very disciplined, Sylvia and I’m sure that’ll serve you well with your guitar. Great listen and watch!
Good morning Silvia,
What a wonderful video to start the morning with, I’m totally looking forward to it and I’m going to tell you that you should watch this video once a year, and then you can see super well where you were and where you are, really great what you’ve already and great that you captured it all,…
That was a great video! You obviously have a good ear because that sounded good to me even when you were saying Nope! I have a few songs i have been learning forever but because they sound so good i am happy to keep trying.
Thank you for sharing that with us, Silvia. An inspirational demonstration of the power of sound practice, persistence, problem-solving, working with mindset and approach. And the ever improving performance has reached a level that is already a delight to listen to. I look forward to the edition.
Good work on the video production, though at times the text was a little difficult to read. I liked the moments when the visual was framed by solid bars of colour and text over those. And the narrative is wonderfully written, so didn’t want to miss a word as well as a sound.
Bravo and keep doing what you are doing, certainly within your ability to achieve your aspiration.
A fascinating project Silvia. Terrific determination on your part to work on the song for such a long time, but the hard worked is justified by the end result.
I watched the first five minutes or so and then jumped to the ‘finished article’. Terrific stuff.
The reason I didn’t watch the whole thing was I found a lot of the text difficult to read. But a super project nonetheless. Well done.
Very cool record of your progress on this. I found the patience and dedication to be inspiring. I could also hear the improvement over time, especially as it related to the prominence and smoothness of the melody. Well done, and keep it up!
Sylvia, that was an absolutely wonderful video! It captures the work, persistence, and enjoyment (well some of the time ) involved in learning this song. Bravo!!
I was really impressed by the video production alone as well as the arpeggios for that song. I remember that song from years ago. I could not play it as well as you. Remember you are not alone in the journey of learning. We all go through the roller coaster ride of ups and downs, small victories, and disappointments. The key is don’t forget to enjoy the ride. Never be too hard on yourself . Lots of us here have had a similar journey but we’re still here to support each other. I sent a few of my videos to an old friend I don’t talk to very often. He gave me feedback of oh my God you’re so much better. In my mind I’m still average and struggling. It’s all about perspective. My point is you sound fantastic in the end. Thanks for sharing.
I’m sincerely grateful to all of you for taking the time to watch the video or part of it…thank you! I’m ever so happy that you enjoyed it and some of you have found it inspirational too! If I had not recorded these clips, especially at the beginning, and listened back how accurate it sounded along with the metronome, I probably would have given it up, because playing it felt really difficult for me. @Socio@adi_mrok playing and singing at the same time here might be different, it didn’t take effort, because you sing the melody while you’re learning to play it and in the end it’s the guitar that is singing along with you, Rhythm and Melody here are linked together as one, paradoxally it’s more difficult to sing along a strumming/fingerpicking pattern.
In these two years I put this on a bench several times and I think it’s a very good thing to do, it never meant I gave it up, sometimes I wanted to spend my guitar time for something new, and often I could see there were skills that I still needed to develop before getting back to it. @DavidP you mentioned problem solving and honestly seeing if I I could develop some problem solving skills was my initial goal: I wanted to approach this impossible music sheet the same way a child approaches complex reality and build her own knowledge by interacting with it and acts to understand and fullfill her needs while reading her direct experience. Justin’s role in all this? I think a special “thank you note” a part, is well deserved! @EndlessRepetition@adi_mrok I’m not aiming to perfection to my ears, really. While playing along with the Drum Metronome, that video puzzled me, because it sounded cool but hey I was really racing against myself! Technique was really bad too but I didn’t know at that time.
What I honestly aim to is a sense of well-being, while practicing and playing, going very slow helps really a lot in this. No need to be untruly humble, my ears as David’s are quite delighted with this
@roger_holland@J.W.C@Eddie_09@SDKissFan@JasonBuk@TheCluelessLuthier@sairfingers@Willsie thank you so much guys to take the time for this and all the amazing feedback as this is something close to my heart! But to those who are looking foward to a final edition…eh it will still take a lot of time because the road ahead is still long and so highly enjoyable that it would be a real pity to rush! Btw…no cheating allowed: verse and chorus are played several times in the song…how ever will I be able to stay focussed for such a long time?!
@Silvia80 What a wonderful video to watch and thank you for sharing it. It is quite inspiring to watch your journey with this song and how you slowly chipped away at it and not giving up during your frustrating moments. Your patience is paying dividends.
Wonderful playing Silvia and it was good to see that after all those months the song is still able to make you smile.
Hi Silvia, I saw your wonderful video last weekend, but didn’t have the time yet to write. Thanks for sharing this proof of joy, frustration, persistance and success with us. You put so much effort and passion in your musical development and it definitely pays off. Great idea to document a longer process with your video. I’m despairing of getting the easy Hallelujah Fingerstyle under my belt at the moment. For many weeks on it, just the simplest version, now I’m getting worse. Once it’s a chord change, then I accidently hit a wrong string, when everything works, I’m so happy for a second that I forgot which is the next chord to play. Sometimes I get so frustrated about this, that I prohibit myself to play the song for a few days.
So I take your video as a motivation to keep on trying.
Silvia, wow! What a journey! What beautiful playing and your gorgeous snippets of vocals sprinkled amongst like sparkling gems Thank you for sharing this. As others have said, truly inspirational